Okay, I'm sending this on Dec. 1 so for those of you doing NaNoWriMo, I want to celebrate you and every step you took!
We recorded the podcast episode for a Monday, Nov. 27th release - hence the current title.
For those NaNo rebels, like Ezra and I, I celebrate you too.
Every step counts.
When we honor and celebrate each step, (instead of criticizing our work for what it isn't), we actually build the mental and emotional muscles that allow us to succeed as writers.
The writers who succeed (ie., get published and have the opportunity to make sales and get fans) are the ones who persevered.
To all of you I say by the fact you're reading this email, kudos for staying the course!
The world needs your stories!
We change the collective with our stories.
The pen is powerful and so is your imagination.
So on to this episode with Ez and I.
Oh! For those who don't know, Ezra is my husband, co-teaches with me in our mastermind program, and is a novelist too.
Fun Fact: Ezra and I met at a fiction critique group over 25 years ago. And Dec. 11th will be the 25 anniversary of our first date! Ah! ❤️