Subject: Let's Imagine Better Tomorrows, Even Though...

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

Let's Imagine Better Tomorrows, Even Though...


The latest How To Write The Future podcast episode is up!

Ep. 111 - The Challenge of Imagining Thrutopias with Jennifer Browdy, Pt. 2 of 2


Friday, August 2, 2024

Hi Friend,

Are you future focused or are you past focused?

What I mean by that is do your dreams and visions and hopes for the future guide you?

Or do you memories of the past drive you?

There's no one right way.

It's about what's true for you and using that in your storytelling.

But I do notice that it takes a certain kind of courage to imagine things could be better in the world for you, yours, and all of our loved ones because there's no evidence in our immediate surroundings or even in our imaginations for how that could be.

Which is why it was fascinating to interview Jennifer Browdy, who is actively working on ways to imagine better tomorrows.

Enjoy Part 2 of our conversation and check out her Substack if you want to know more about her work. All the links are below.

I also want to call your attention to the amazing writing retreat a colleague of mine will be offering this fall in the south of France. So yummy!

I've lived twice in France (Paris!) and visited it several times more and am inspired by the beauty in that country and the attention the French people put on the arts.

A great time and place to work on your novel with a fabulous writing teacher guiding you every step of the way. (No, not me... one day though!)

More information and the link about this Fall 2024 writing retreat below.


On to the podcast...

The Challenge of Imagining Thrutopias with Jennifer Browdy, Pt. 2 of 2

“I think maintaining our own individual health is a really important part of being able to contribute to broader social health.”

— Jennifer Browdy

In this episode, Jennifer and I discuss:

  • her “Women Write the World” class where she shares why it’s important to maintain a positive outlook for the future

  • how seeing what we write could be beneficial to others.

  • And more! :)

To listen or read this episode's transcript, go here (Writer's Fun Zone):

The How To Write The Future podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to write positive futures and successfully bring those stories out into the marketplace.


Next in Ep. 112, I'm answering a question from a historical romance writer about how to strike the right balance of detail in your novel in my Q&A series.

Stay tuned on How To Write The Future podcast. 

(All previous episodes listed here.)


Wherever you listen to your podcast, if you're so moved, please Like, Subscribe, or Share the How To Write The Future podcast.

And now we're on YouTube here! Please subscribe!


And since we have an international listenership:

Merci !

Muchas Gracias!




Filming Day 1 - in the can!

My film news.

I'm making a short film - I can hardly believe it!

And the Day 1 shoot was amazing -- and all the things!

  • So incredible to see my character and story come to life - the actor was so cool and upbeat;

  • OMG - exhausting... We were on site at 5:50am;

  • Hair pulling -- yet one more thing in a long line of problems to solve;

  • And so heart warming to work with a production team that works so well together.

Check out our team photo as the end of the long day.

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X

More about our project and how to support it by spreading the word or donating or both!

Henrietta The Dragon Slayer, a short film.

Get news!

If you want to get all the juicy details about our progress with the film and how to donate to support us, click here to get on a dedicated list. 

Thanks! Sweet!

We are still taking donations here.

Happy Writing!



📖 ❤️ Want in-depth one-on support to start or complete your science fiction or fantasy novel?

I currently have 3 openings available.

✈️ ❤️ Want to go on a fabulous, luxury writing retreat in the south of France?

Our friends over at Rocket Expansion Author Marketing Agency have been working on something and we just had to share...

They’re launching a brand new experience for genre fiction writers this October. It’ll only be open to about 10 authors so there will be lots of opportunities for one-on-one feedback for each attendee.

All the amazing drool-worthy details and how to register here.



cludes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 2024).Includes an invitation to the Manifest and Mingle Vision Board Facebook Party for Writers (Jan. 8th to 12th, 20

🌟 If you find my resources helpful, please forward them to a friend who may need them too. Thanks!


Ways I help science fiction and fantasy novelists:


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


More about the Writetreat, October 2024, France

A Genre Fiction Writers Retreat

Southwest France, Oct. 2-8, 2024

The WriteTreat is a high-end writer’s retreat in South West France in October. 

It’s 6 nights, 5 days at a beautiful French estate.

Authors will connect with other authors, be cared for by friendly hosts, and learn from a top sci-fi/fantasy/romance author published in both trad and indie and who wrote a best-selling book on being a successful, productive author.

After attendees have landed at the local airport of Bergerac, in Bordouex France, everything from transport, meals by local chefs, excursions to local points of interest, and the retreat writing, publishing, and marketing workshops will be fully covered.

Subscribe to be notified when each blog post goes live. Or wait for the weekly round-up in this newsletter.

Support This Creative Entrepreneur

My mission is to support your adventure as a creative and step into your next best self.

If you want to support my mission, I invite you to:

📚 buy my books: Fiction | Nonfiction

☕️ buy me a coffee

Or share my work with your friends. Thanks!

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

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live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine and all peoples in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

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