Subject: How do you adapt a novel into a screenplay?

Fiction Writers, Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

How do you adapt a novel into a screenplay?

Hi Friend,

My email yesterday mentioned my colleague Brooks Elms, a Hollywood screenwriter who’s also a Life Coach for Screenplay Writers. 

I asked him for his thoughts on adapting a novel into a screenplay and here’s what he shared:

For the most part, I invite you to adapt a novel the way you would write a new screenplay from scratch.

The difference is you have an abundance of richly-sourced research to draw from.

Think of it like going to your favorite buffet.

The number one problem novelists make when trying to adapt their book to a screenplay is they jam too much of that tasty buffet food onto their plate.

It takes a mindful, inspired approach to select the right amount of food and the right balance of food types to do justice to your novel.

If you find that helpful, and would like to hear more, consider booking a complimentary coaching call with Brooks.

I had one for a move project I'm working on and it was very helpful.

He even gave me some tips on getting feedback that you can watch here on YouTube or Instagram.

As he did for me, Brooks will help you get clarity on your screenwriting journey so far, define where you’ve always wanted to go, and show you specific inspired options for your next step.

One option he may (or may not) offer is his premium coaching program, ANSWER THE CALL.

You could be a match for Brooks' program if...

  • You’re ready for a new adventure right now.

  • You have the resources (or know somebody does) to invest in your career.

  • You've written at least one novel, or screenplay, or you're a professional creative in a related format (journalism, copywriting, stand-up comic, etc.)

  • You are willing to develop the habit of writing from deep creative flow.

  • You will commit to a proven 9-step process to finish your script.

  • You will stay committed to your creative flow to follow a simple, proven sales system to get ideal producers attached to your finished script.

  • You feel excited by supportive, actionable feedback.

  • You take ownership of your writing process and embrace accountability.

  • You're a team player who enjoys generously giving to a group even more than you get back.

  • Part of your life purpose is making the transformation from a talented creative to an established professional screenwriter.

Wondering how it works?

More about Brooks' program:


ANSWER THE CALL is a fully customized program that gives you in-depth 1:1 coaching for 5 months.

And here’s the kicker:

You also get access to an exclusive online fellowship community and powerful Group Coaching Calls -- FOR LIFE.

Brooks is not messing around.

He goes ALL IN to help you become the most satisfied storyteller you can be -- all through the development of your professional screenwriting game.

Brooks is also happy to leverage his personal contacts from 30 years in the business to help you.

And even better, he shows you an authentic way to build YOUR OWN Hollywood relationships, in your own way, so you’re not dependent on him. You actually won’t even need an agent.

May sound too good to be true. 

And healthy skepticism is welcome.

But in my own personal experience with Brooks, I trust him.

And if you’re intrigued by what this could mean for your screenwriting desire, I invite you to book a complimentary coaching call for yourself and see how it feels for you.

To be clear, Brooks can’t help everyone.

And because Brooks still also actively writes his own screenplays, he's very selective about the small handful of writers he invites into his program.

But... if reading this email stirs something inside you, I'll personally introduce you to him.

There’s nothing to lose because even if you're not the right match for his program, he'll point you in the right direction.

There’s no pressure.

He’s devoted to doing his best to meet you where you’re at, and helping, in the direction where you want the most help.

So... if you're ready to answer this call... reply to this email and say "yes."

And I'll connect you with Brooks.

Happy Writing!



🌟 If you find my resources helpful, please forward them to a friend who may need them too. Thanks!


Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.


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Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

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