Subject: Hi Friend, Special Webinar Coming Soon + Messy Perfectionism

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Special Webinar Coming Soon + Messy Perfectionism

May 7, 2015

Hi Friend, 

Hope you're having a good week! It's been a creative cauldron over here, what with finishing one painting and starting another, starting a new romance novella, and ramping up for our "Prepare Your Novel: Essential Plot and Character Tips" Webinar happening next week Tuesday. (May 12, 5pm Pacific) More on the webinar below and how you can join us for this free online event.

Messy Perfectionism
Today I want to reflect on Messy Perfectionism with you. 

As a creative who writes (and paints, draws, dances, meanders, explores, gardens, day dreams), I've experienced the messiness of creating something new. And I like it. 

I feel like a kid playing in the sand or stacking building blocks. I like the feel of splashing paint on a page or letting my characters take flight into a new adventure.

While some things I've always been able to approach with a child-like glee and lightness, some of my creative work -- fiction writing -- has been terribly challenging.

Many of you may not know that I dabbled in fiction for years before I actually started writing novels. I didn't dabble very far. 

I think the most I ever wrote was a three-page story. That was a scene of my heroine, Henrietta the Dragon Slayer, telling a tale in a pub. She was drunk and was 17. I was 20 and clueless. I had no idea what to write next.

I set writing fiction aside and dove into nonfiction, getting published with short pieces in small newspapers and magazines, starting at age 22. But all the while I dreamed of being able to write novels.

Writing novels felt hard, confusing, overwhelming, and fuzzy. How did I get there from here, I wondered. 

I also wondered: How did I clear the confusion, get over the overwhelm, and part the clouds of "I don't know how to do this" and "this is so scary"?

When I look back on how I got here -- 2 YA fantasy novels and 4 romance novellas published, and more stories in progress -- I remember how I got here, and it was super messy.

I called this rumination today "Messy Perfectionism" because I want to reclaim that messy is perfect. Messy is the state we need to be comfortable in when we create.

The cloudy confusion, the panic and overwhelm that accompanies not knowing how, the fear of failing the undergirds it all -- that's all part of the process.

Yes, all of the uncertainty, fear, panic, angst -- those are all actually part of the creative process.

When I learned to breathe through those moments, and write anyway, I made progress. I met deadlines to turn pages into the critique group. I hustled to edit a chapter for a contest. I sent my manuscript out again for review after yet another agent or editor rejection.

Often writers wait until everything is perfect in their life to take the next risk in their writing. But our lives are never perfect and the best time to do our creative work is now. Or after you're done reading this newsletter. 

All kidding aside, I am curious to hear what this reflection evokes in you.

Hit "reply" and let me know. I'd love to hear from you.


Welcome to the Creativity Sparks Newsletter, full of tips, resources, and coaching support for novelists, so that you can build a successful and sustainable career that's right for you.

I send out this newsletter mostly each week, and sometimes more often when I have upcoming events and happenings to announce.

Thanks for joining us!

Know that I am here to support and guide you in your writing adventure. 

I do this work because I'm called to and because I am my best and first client. I am also a novelist --  all that I teach and do with novelists is first tried and tested on myself.

Resources on Book Marketing

It's never to early to start on our author and book marketing.

You can check out our lessons and resources here:

Hook Your Reader Contest

If you're ready to be tested with your book marketing, try your hand at our new "Hook Your Reader Contest".

Craft your pitch for your published or unpublished novel and post it in the comments below.

Use this article Ezra wrote as a guide, “How to Write the Perfect Pitch to Sell Your Novel In Person.” It has examples and step-by-step guidelines on to craft your perfect pitch.

You can post any one of the six pitches, but you can only enter one pitch per book.

Post your pitch in the comments on the blog here:

Emailed pitches don’t count. Nor does delivery by any other way.

You can enter more than once, but for separate books.

This contest is open to all fiction writers, published, unpublished, with a completed manuscript, or incomplete manuscript, at any stage of the writing process, even unwritten.

Contest opens: May 1, 2015 (as soon as I hit publish on this post)

Contest ends: May 31, 9pm Pacific

Winner: Winner is chosen by my sole discretion (with Ezra’s help), but you can upvote yours and your friends in the comments.

Yes, there are prizes, because what fun would a contest be without prizes!

1st Place Winner: You win a one-hour consultation with me, Beth Barany, writing and publishing coach for novelist AND a 30-minute book cover discussion or evaluation with Ezra Barany.

2nd Place Winner: You win a one-hour consultation with me, Beth Barany, writing and publishing coach for novelist OR a 30-minute book cover discussion or evaluation with Ezra Barany. Your choice!

3rd Place Winner: A copy of Beth’s Twitter for Authors: Social Media Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers

So, good luck! And please share with your friends! Ezra and I will cheering you on!
May 12, 2015, 5pm Pacific

Plan Your Novel: Essential Plot & Character Tips Webinar
(& An overview of the “30-Day Challenge to Preparing Your Novel” June 2015 course)

Join us here on Google Hangouts on Air:

*** No need to sign up, just show up! ***

Your Investment: 90-minutes of your time

In this 90-minute special webinar, we will cover:

  • Why preparing your novel saves you time and can help you have direction, power, and purpose
  • Essential plot and character development tips
  • The key questions to ask your characters to make your story hum
  • The overview of the “30-Day Challenge to Preparing Your Novel” June 2015 course
  • Who are your instructors and why we’re qualified to help you
  • Why we created this course
  • Q&A: Time to get your questions answered

But if you'd like the recording, special gifts, and coming webinar handout, sign up here:

If you know you're ready to join us for the June class, registration is now open!

June 1-30, 2015

30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel with Beth & Ezra Barany

And because I want to make this class available to as many people as I can, I'm running a two-for-one special! 

Sign up at the ALL IN level and bring a friend for free.

Check out all the details here:

Let's Talk Paris!

Dear Adventurous Writer, I’m offering a very special writing retreat to Paris this Fall, Oct. 3-10, 2105. I love Paris!

As Audrey Hepburn says, Paris is always a good idea.
  • Do you long to immerse yourself in new experiences, albeit with hotel reservations?
  • Do you need exotic inspirations and stimulation?
  • Do you want to follow famous authors from the cafe to a finished book?
  • Do you dream about spending a whole week in an intimate learning environment with your peers and writing instructors who have been where you want to go — a finished novel?
All the details, itinerary, and registration details are here:

If you think this special Writing Retreat is for you, and you have any questions, then schedule a Discovery Session with me.
Schedule Your Discovery Call with Beth

In my courses, program, products, and one-on-one sessions, I help authors get their novels completed and out into the world, into the hands of their readers.

I've been there and knows how hard it can be to take your idea and turn it into a real book, that people will actually be interested in, and even yearning, to read.

If you're wondering which of my products or services are right for, and you would like support in starting, finishing, or publishing your novel, then I invite you to schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session with me.

Each month, I give away 10 spots for a 60 minute Complimentary Discovery call.

Book your appointment here:

I look forward to speaking with you soon.
If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, cover design or publishing consulting services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday, when we're not on holiday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

PS. If you're ready to plan your novel, just want to be ready for Camp Nano in July, and want to take a self-paced course, then check out our course at:

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

♥ We offer coaching, change work sessions, book marketing coaching (Beth) and cover design (Ezra), for novelists. More at You can schedule an appointment here:


Beth Barany is an award-winning novelist and the publisher of Author Entrepreneurship Magazine. She runs a blog for and by writers, Writer's Fun Zone, and recently launched a school for novelists, the Barany School of Fiction.

Beth writes YA fantasy and sweet/sensual paranormal romance, and how-to books and courses for genre novelists, including her home study coaching guide, The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, a Hero's Journey adaption with you the author as the hero in your own journey/adventure of writing your book.

For play, Beth takes walks, paints, watches movies with Ezra, travels, and has coffee with friends and family. And plays with her two cats, gardens, and does capoeira. And sleeps. She loves sleep.

Lots of Free Resources for Writers:

SOCIAL MEDIA: Let's connect in a way that's right for you!


And more!

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster
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