Subject: Hi Friend, Last reminder: Come back home to yourself sessions -- Special offer

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Last reminder -- Come Back Home to Yourself -- Special Offer

June 1, 2014

Hi Friend, 

Last reminder because this special offer ends tonight, 9pm Pacific.

I'm writing because I know you are a Creative: a writer or other kind of artist.

Is this you?

◊ You love writing, but you feel stuck in the process. That's frustrating. You want to call it writer's block, but that doesn't feel good.

◊ You want the writing process to feel easier and would like to bring more ease to your creative process.

◊ You feel that what's in your way of writing has nothing to do with writing and you'd like to make some changes, but have no idea where to begin.

◊ You know the pain of never being able to find your "home" within your creative work, but you so desire to find your way home again.

◊ You love to write but you're avoiding all things marketing because it's scary.

If you said YES to any of the above statements, then you are ready for a Coming Back Home to Yourself Session. Great! Keep reading!

In our session, I use NLP and other change-work and healing modalities to help you reconnect with your intrinsic creative mojo, so you can circle back to yourself with peace, ease, and joy.

In a Coming Back Home to Yourself session, we spend 1.5 to 2 hours together, usually over Skype, where we get entirely curious about how things are, so we can create the change you'd like.

For the Memorial Day holiday here in the United States, I'm offering a special to you.

All the details here.

Offer good until June 1st, 2014, 9 pm Pacific.


I tell my writers -- and myself -- that it all counts.

All of our life experiences feed into our art and our art enriches our life.

I do this work of helping authors because I KNOW that we have gifts in our stories that readers NEED to hear.

In the hearing is healing.

In stories is healing.

Our job as novelists is to write stories that allow readers to come back home to themselves.
What is NLP?

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming. It's a way to help you have what you want without having to "work" to be different than who you are. I've been trained in heart-based transformational NLP that is gentle, respectful, and above all, useful.


For our NLP session, we spend 2-hours together, usually over Skype. We schedule this to our mutual convenience.

Follow up: I'll also send you an email check-in 2-3 days after our session, so that you can ask questions, request clarifications, and check in about any follow up you may need. The work we do together has ripple effects into your life. We'll make space for and acknowledge that.


Sessions are normally $350, but I'm offering a special price for a limited time only: $175.

This special offer is good for the first 10 people who sign up by June 1st, 2014.

To register and for more information go here:

Authors have told me that this offer is interesting to them but they can't afford it.

I totally understand, and am curious what you can afford and what kind of support you are looking for. Reply to this newsletter and let me know.

Other authors have told me that they're not sure if this kind of session if what they really need.

Sometimes when we're not sure what the next step is we need to talk it out with someone who has been where we have been. 

If that's you, then come chat with me in a complimentary Getting to Know You session.

You can schedule that here. I have 10 for spots for the month of June.

Let me know if you have questions! And Happy Writing!

Here's to you and your dreams!


PS. ♥ Feel free to share this newsletter via social media and/or email. Spread the love! And thanks!
is certified as a Master NLP Practitioner at NLP Marin, and have spent the last few years gently integrating NLP into her practice as a creativity coach for writers.

More about her special on 
Coming Back Home to Yourself Sessions for Authors and other Creatives here.
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, Piedmont, California 94611, United States
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