Subject: Hi Friend, Getting Ready for the Deep Dive: Write the Novel. And new class coming!

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Getting Ready for the Deep Dive: Write the Novel. And new class coming!

October 30, 2014

Hi Friend, 

Our 30-Day Challenge for Preparing Your Novel is wrapping up. We'll celebrate tomorrow, and then start the deep dive into actually writing our novels starting November 1st.

We're not starting from scratch. The authors we worked with have thought and brainstormed about their story themes, developed main and secondary characters, thought up scenes and conflicts, and developed the writing muscle to get to the page.

Ezra and I have also been preparing for the deep dive of writing our novels during November. For the last week every day after teaching high school geometry, Ezra has been working on his index cards for the third novel in his Torah Codes series, as he calls them, his last step in his story prep process. He's noting each scene in lots of detail. This week, I've been fitting into my busy daily life the drafting of scene notes, short paragraphs, about what my villain will do, so that the middle of my novel will be fraught with troubles for my warrior heroine, Henrietta the Dragon Slayer in the third book in the series. I'm bringing into my Scrivener file the audio notes and draft prose I've been creating over the last few years. 

I'm also asking myself what I can say NO to. So far, I've come up with: not doing the dishes as often; not complaining to myself about why I can't write; not scheduling my writing time.

I recently read the first three chapters of a novel I wrote ten years ago -- the second novel I ever wrote. The story was pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised. Reading those pages reminded me that my judgement of my writing often has nothing to do about the quality of my writing. I'm such a harsh critic of my work. (I can breathe forgiveness into those past harsh judgements and resolve to be gentler with myself.) My point is that really my only job during Nano is to sit down and write. I'm the only one in my own way. The work I create will probably be better than I think it is, and will of course need plenty of editing. The editing, critical mind will be needed later, but not now.

NO is useful, but not enough. To take steps forward I need to also say YES to what I want. Instead, I will let the dishes go most days, step gently into my writing with an open mind and heart, and schedule time to get it done and get words on the page.

Share with us what you're saying NO to as you head into Nanowrimo: (Facebook link) Or share on Twitter using the hashtag #Yestowriting.

What's Next
We're continuing our circle, Fellowship of the Pen, for November, so you can write your novel in a community for support, accountability, and everyone sitting down to get the writing done.

All the details are here:

This course is for writers who will be doing Nanowrimo, but want the added support of experienced teachers and mentors, who are also novelists: Ezra Barany and I, Beth Barany. Yep, we're married, and actually met at a fiction writing group 16 years ago. Ezra and I have been seriously writing fiction for that long, for me, and longer, for him. Between the two of us, we've written and published 18 books, plus 3 audio books. Together and separately, we have taught thousands of students over the years, in both the public and private sector, including overseas in Paris, France. We both teach (and Beth’s case, coach) and are always working on writing, publishing, and marketing our novels.

Built for authors who have busy lives, as we do too, in this course, you will have:
  • A safe space to write your novel, in community with authors like you
  • Small and intimate group support
  • Help with the sagging middle and the fear of "On no, what do I write?"
  • Accountability to sit down and write daily
  • Tips and techniques on how to make room in your life to write daily (or nearly daily)
  • Brainstorming opportunities with your cohorts when you’re stuck
  • Support with re-assigning the critical, editorial, judging (left-brain mind)
  • Cheerleaders what you’re creating from your peers and knowledgeable mentors, Beth & Ezra Barany, and coaching assistant, Carol Malone
  • Practice sharing in a safe place; you only need to share what you feel comfortable sharing
  • Feedback from peers (optional and peer-generated)
This course is available at 2 levels of support and comes with all the Preparing Your Novel curriculum. Go here to learn more and sign up:

Writers write. That's what we do. But what do you do when you're traveling or moving or just want to go out and be with ones you love, and still write?

One of my clients, Anastasia Alexander, can write just about anywhere, it seems, and recently blogged about how she was writing at a race track.

I can write just about anywhere, and practically anytime, and even got myself a Bluetooth-enable keyboard so I could write with just my iPhone and that keyboard.

But I wasn't always able to write anywhere. And I still won't write under certain conditions: tired, cranky, hungry, in a super-loud place, under low lights. One of the things that helped me be able to write more and more often was figuring out precisely and specifically what I needed in my writing space.

I was talking with a client this week who is getting ready to write for Nanowrimo. She's in transition, literally, moving across the country and traveling for business and family. She's not yet in her new home and stays with friends or at hotels. And yet she wants to do Nano. I asked her about her writing space. What specifically did she need and what did she want, and how did she want to feel during her writing time? 

As we went down the list (quiet: yes; people: no, unless they're also writing; good lighting; early in the morning is ideal,) she got more clear on what she needed and what was nice, but not 100% necessary. To her, writing for Nanowrimo seemed more doable now that we'd clarified her needs and wants.

How about you? What are your "must haves," your non-negotiables so that you can sit down and write? What would be nice to have, but not critical? And what's not important? Think about your setting, the lighting, the sounds, the comfort, people/no people, etc.

What's important to you about your writing space?

I know that as I write my novel I need my outline nearby and I need Scrivener and headphones. The rest is negotiable.

Share here on Facebook at least one NON-NEGOTIABLE writing setting need and start to take charge of your writing life:

Or you can share on Twitter using the hashtag #writingspace.

Let's Dream Big: Join Us in Paris, Oct. 2015

Ezra and I are planning to take a group of writers to Paris next year, Oct. 2015, to prepare their novel during seven days of hands-on workshops, special day trips. We'll enjoy the City of Lights, the city that inspired the Impressionists, the Grand Boulevards, writers of all kinds, and a millennia of artists and learners. 

We're super excited about this trip! Paris is my favorite city in the world. 

I know it pretty well, having lived there twice and visited a handful of times.

I've been obsessed with the city since I was 13 years old, and even started teaching myself French at that age. I'm fluent now. More about why Paris and why French in my short video here:

Check out my second blog post in the Travel & Writing series to discover my 5 reasons to travel for your writing:

Sign up to get notified as soon as the details for the Paris trip is posted (soon!):

If you have any questions about getting coaching, book marketing, or publishing support, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Beth & Ezra

Now available!

I'm honored to have a short story in this collection: Autumn's Kiss: Ten Contemporary & Historical Sweet Romances.

My story is called, "Falling in Love Again," and is a continuation of my first novella, a time travel romance, Touchstone of Love.

Ten sweet stories of love. Ten great authors. Ten ways to celebrate Autumn.

Falling in love is timeless. From a sexy medieval stonemason to a small town shopkeeper - Regency England to Napa Vineyards, this selection of Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal and Time-Travel short romance stories is sure to capture your heart.
5 Reasons to Travel for Your Writing by Beth Barany

1. See the world in a new way
2. Have conversations with new people
3. Feel a new land
4. Take risks
5. Step into the new

To read the full article in the Travel & Writing series I'm doing with fellow creativity coach, Paula Chafee Scardamalia, go here:
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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