Build Your Creative Business the Right-Brain Way
May 15, 2014
Hi Friend,
To our new subscribers, thanks for signing up for being a subscriber to Creativity Sparks newsletter for creatives and novelists!
Here we focus on creating fiction and sharing it with the world, because when we travel into a novel we can come back home to ourselves.
We're having a heat wave here in Northern California. I'm keeping well-hydrated and keeping my little dahlias hydrated, too. I'm also working on putting the final touches on my next paranormal romance novella. Coming soon! |
| For our long-time subscribers, thank you for reading and connecting with me! I really appreciate everyone's replies to me about my reveal about my hands -- being born with hands (and toes) that are different. See my Instagram feed here if you missed that.
As I mentioned last week, I'm working on creating video shares/rants about how I really feel and think about all those years of hiding and dealing with people's attitudes toward me for being different. I'm not quite ready to go live with these videos, but one thing I've realized about myself: that because I spent a lot of my youth with a head in a book and with blinders on, I really have a strong focus on what's right in front of me. A laser-like focus that allows me to get a lot done. (That's how I do it "all," Patricia!)
Food for thought: How has something you have perceived as a weakness for so long actually helped you hone a strength that serves you daily? (Perhaps unconsciously.)
Onto this issue...
In this Issue:
-- Short Wisdom Bite: 3 Tips on Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way
-- There are a still a few spots in the Group Coaching program for Novelists
-- Special request (Reminder): Write Beth and answer this one question...
-- Upcoming In-person Events for May and June 2014
-- Get Your Book Marketing Groove on! 3 things! Book Marketing Challenge for May and Special! 50% off "How to Run Your Successful Blog Tour" and Donate for a good cause!
| | SHORT WISDOM BITE: Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way
Blog tour stop! (A blog tour in action, in case you're curious!)
I've learned a lot from Jenn over the course of a year and a half I've been working with her in her mentorship circle.
A lot of what I've been learning is in this book because she developed much of it while work with us.
#1: Core Message: I love getting clear about my Core Message, which you've been seeing on my Instagram stream.
#2: Finding the Ease: Jenn talks about letting go of perfectionism and moving forward even if things are exactly perfect.
#3: Build Your Team: My favorite! I even have a little spotlight in Jenn's book on this topic. I've been working with a virtual assistant both in my coaching business and with my fiction for several years now. Having Michelle help me then allows me to focus on my core competency: creating stories and curriculum and helping my clients.
Enjoy! I look forward to your comments and ruminations! And check out the cute picture of Jenn and I!
| | Are you ready for a small group community support to get your novel done this year?
If you're on the fence about joining us, contact me for a phone chat, so we can decide if this group is the right fit for you.
Though we have officially started May 1st, you can still join us.
Stop going at writing your novel alone!
Get support, accountability, and resources, all in one supportive environment with your peers and experienced mentors, so that you can write and complete your novel this year.
In our program, you'll get the step-by-step help you need to write, publish, or market your genre novel with bestselling novelists (Ezra and me!) who are also professional teachers, coaches, and mentors.
Let me tell you what we're going to do together! - Monday/Wednesday/Friday accountability prompts
- Tip sheets, resources, and special resources on craft, plot, character development, genre-specific support
- How to find editors/beta readers/critique partners
- Monthly teaching/group coaching calls
- And more!
All the sign up details are here: http://coaching.bethbarany.com/.
Here's what one participant said: "Beth Barany’s coaching group program has been invaluable to me in the completion of the first draft of my manuscript. I wasn’t sure I would finish the work when I started, but once I began Beth’s program I was able progress at a steady pace... I met the goals I set for myself at the start of the program for finishing the first draft of an original YA fantasy manuscript that I am confident will be a wonderful book for my future readers to enjoy... " -- Patricia Watson
| | Special Request from last week in case you missed it:
I'm a creativity coach, teacher & speaker, NLP practitioner, and novelist, and I'm passionate about helping fellow novelists write, publish, and market their books.
I'm curious... what kind of support do you need?
In lieu of a survey, I'm asking one question.
So, if you're so moved, please write me and complete this sentence:
Thanks! |
| | Upcoming In-Person Events ** May 23-26, 2014 -- BayCon, Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, CA -- I'll be there on these 3 panels:
-- Friday, May 23, 5 pm, Building Your Writing Community panel (Bayshore room)
(with Adrienne Gormley, Setsu Uzume, Dario Ciriello (Moderator), Laurel Anne Hill, Dan Hope)
So you're thinking about writing but don't know how to start. Or you have a manuscript but you're not ready to show anyone. This panel will discuss how to identify where you are in the process of finishing your book, different types of writing groups and how to utilize them, when to recognize when your work is ready for beta readers, and how to give and receive critique with grace and encouragement.
-- Sunday, May 25, 3:30 pm Strange Love - Using Romance Tropes in Science Fiction and Fantasy panel (Bayshore room)
(with Amy Sterling Casil, Carrie Sessarego (Moderator), D. M. Atkins, Deirdre Saoirse Moen, S.L. Gray)
What are science fiction and fantasy's most powerful love stories, and why do we love them so much? What's the difference between a romance novel and a novel with romance? Find out how romance novels have changed in the last two decades, and how the digital market has opened up a whole new crossover world.
-- Sunday, May 25, 5 pm Female Archetypes in Fantasy (Stevens Creek) [One of my favorite topics!]
(with Griffin Barber, Ursula Vernon, Taunya Gren (Moderator)) In fantasy stories set in worlds with their own system of gods and goddesses, are the female archetypes too limited, to roles such as The Mother or The Daughter? Do we need more stories with a full spectrum of female archetypes, such as those in the pantheon of India?
(Rooms subject to change. Check the daily schedule. To register and get more information about BayCon, a science fiction and fantasy convention, go here.)
| | May is Book Marketing Month -- yes, still!!!
Because I've declared it so!
Two ways to get inspired and get into action! |
| 1. I'm one of 40 experts participating in D'vorah Lansky's Book Marketing Challenge all month. Sign up for your free Silver pass here. Get more information here.
I'm super excited to be doing my interview with D'vorah next week for the challenge! |
| 2. If you're ready to learn how to create your own successful blog tour (one of the best ways to get reviews, find new readers, and sell books), check out my 3 tips here and if you're ready, take advantage of the 50% off of the course. (Discount good until May 30, 2014.)
So act now!
This is the only time this year I will be discounting this course. |
| 3. Donate to win 1 Ticket To my video course: HOW TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL BLOG TOUR ($297 Value!)
OMG -- to date, this is going for only $8 -- such a great deal!
| PS. I've been day dreaming about running a "bootcamp" or intensive on book marketing just for novelists. It would be full of yummy interviews with colleagues and cohorts on what works for them, all free, with a paid component for more hands-on and extras from me and Ezra. What do you guys think?
| | Let me know if you have questions! And Happy Writing!
Here's to you and your dreams!
Best, Beth
www.BethBarany.com beth@bethbarany.com
PS. Feel free to share any of the news in this newsletter via social media and/or email. Spread the love! And thanks! |
| | ABOUT US Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.
♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.
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