Subject: Hi Friend, Transitioning into the New Season

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Change, Change, Change: Transitioning into a New Season

October 16, 2014

Hi Friend, 

Hello everyone!

Things, they are a'changin... (aren't they always!? :-) )

I've been sending out my newsletter weekly for a few months, until recently... Does this ever happen to you? You get so absorbed in writing a new book that you forget the outer world exists? That's what happened to me. (Yes, I still took care of business, but still some things slipped away.) Sorry about that! I'm re-committing here to touch base with you weekly with tips and resources to support the growth of a successful and sustainable creative career that works for you.

Yep, lots of changes. 

In our writing household, Ezra and I deep in preparing our novels for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) while I run the coaching business and he teaches high school geometry. Alongside the students in our 30 Day Writing Challenge for Preparing Your Novel for Nanowrimo course we're teaching, we're doing the prep work too. We're drafting notes on our characters, our story world, and the story structure.

The novel I'm working on scares me. It's a tall order: To successfully end my young adult fantasy series and to part ways with Henrietta the Dragon Slayer as a main character and my long-time imaginary companion. {Deep sigh} Much is churning deep beneath the surface. I liken this planning phase to adding mulch to the creative compost pile and planting the seeds of the story in this resource-rich environment. Lots of mystery, lots of throwing things in, lots of not knowing how things will sprout, yet.

A friend asked me to reflect on transitions and I noticed that I get jittery and nervous during this planning phase. It's easy to put on the teacher hat and act like I know what I'm talking about. And I do know how to prep a novel. I've done these steps many times. But how I feel as an author while I'm planning a novel is anything but confident.

I'm just as unsure as my writers. I'm reaching for what could be, but things aren't set yet. I haven't yet put these details into prose.

As I look forward to the writing phase in November -- I plan to finish book 3 and build on the 8,000 words I wrote a few years ago, I feel nervous, excited, and wonder, "Can I really complete book 3?"

If you're going through the uncertainty and jittery feelings that come with doing something new -- writing this new novel --  and would like support, then check out our course in progress now, 30 Day Writing Challenge for Preparing Your Novel for Nanowrimo. We still have room; you'll get all the lessons already delivered and the new lessons scheduled to arrive; and you'll find the support, guidance, and confidence you'll need to write your novel in November. 

What students are saying about the course: "Thought-provoking..." "Your List of 20 is worth the price of admission..." "I realized something about my character I never knew and unlocks the story..." "I discovered the ending to my story..." "Like climbing a mountain yet guided by a ray of light..."

Learn more about the course here: and see which of the three levels of engagement are right for you.

Another big change...

We're also planning to take a group of writers to Paris next year, Oct. 2015, to prepare their novel during seven days of hands-on workshops, special day trips, enjoying the City of Lights, and chocolate in the city that inspired the Impressionists, writers of all kinds, and a millennia of artists and learners. We're super excited about this trip! Paris is my favorite city in the world. Check out my first blog post on the topic to learn why I chose Paris for this special trip:

Sign up to get notified as soon as the details for the Paris trip is posted (soon!):

If you have any questions about getting coaching, book marketing, or publishing support, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Beth & Ezra

PS. Special! Want to come Paris, France and plan your novel there next October 2015? Ezra and I will be leading a group of novelists there. We're super excited about this trip! Paris is my favorite city in the world. Check out my first blog post on the topic to learn why I chose Paris for this special trip:

Sign up to get notified as soon as the details for the Paris trip is posted (soon!):

Releasing soon! Now available on pre-order!

I'm honored to have a short story in this collection: Autumn's Kiss: Ten Contemporary & Historical Sweet Romances.

My story is called, "Falling in Love Again," and is a continuation of my first novella, a time travel romance, Touchstone of Love.

Ten sweet stories of love. Ten great authors. Ten ways to celebrate Autumn.

Falling in love is timeless. From a sexy medieval stonemason to a small town shopkeeper - Regency England to Napa Vineyards, this selection of Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal and Time-Travel short romance stories is sure to capture your heart.
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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