Subject: Hi Friend, Still Transitioning into the New Season

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Still Transitioning into a New Season: Embrace the Messiness

October 23, 2014

Hi Friend, 

Writing novels is a messy process... pieces of your story in one file, ideas still in your head, notes in a notebook, in audio files, etc. At least, that's what it looks like for me.

In our writing household, Ezra and I are deep in preparing our novels for Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) while I run the coaching business and he teaches high school geometry. Alongside the students in our 30 Day Writing Challenge for Preparing Your Novel for Nanowrimo course we're teaching, we're doing the prep work too. This week, we're drafting notes on plot, story problems, and the scene-by-scene outline.

We're getting ready to start writing prose on November 1st, along with hundreds of thousands of other writers. But neither Ezra or I use Nanowrimo exactly as described. We both are aiming to write novels longer than 50,000 words, and I even have about 10,000 words already written I don't count toward my new total. My goal is to write a complete first draft of book 3 of Henrietta the Dragon Slayer's continuing adventures by Nov. 30th, so probably at least 70,000 words. (Approximately 2,333 words per day.) Ezra is aiming for 75,000 words for his third book in his thriller series.

I just got back from a meeting with my critique partner, author and editor, Kay Keppler. I was nervous last week, but after putting my rough draft scene-by-scene outline down and getting her feedback ("No, this doesn't work... Yes, this works..."), I feel much better -- less nervous and more excited about the messiness of my story.

Our job as writers is to show up, at least at the brainstorming and first draft stage. Set aside the judging mind, the editing mind, that nagging voice that wants to pick at every little thing.

Your only job is to show up to the page. And write.

I know how hard that can be in the messiness of creating, especially during the transition into writing a new novel.

What's one thing you can do to embrace your creative messiness?

Share your one thing here:

Another big change...

We're also planning to take a group of writers to Paris next year, Oct. 2015, to prepare their novel during seven days of hands-on workshops, special day trips, enjoying the City of Lights, and chocolate in the city that inspired the Impressionists, writers of all kinds, and a millennia of artists and learners. We're super excited about this trip! Paris is my favorite city in the world. Check out my first blog post on the topic to learn why I chose Paris for this special trip:

Sign up to get notified as soon as the details for the Paris trip is posted (soon!):

If you have any questions about getting coaching, book marketing, or publishing support, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Beth & Ezra

PS. If you're super motivated to prepare your novel for Nanowrimo, you can still join us for the October 30-day course here:

Releasing soon! Now available on pre-order!

I'm honored to have a short story in this collection: Autumn's Kiss: Ten Contemporary & Historical Sweet Romances.

My story is called, "Falling in Love Again," and is a continuation of my first novella, a time travel romance, Touchstone of Love.

Ten sweet stories of love. Ten great authors. Ten ways to celebrate Autumn.

Falling in love is timeless. From a sexy medieval stonemason to a small town shopkeeper - Regency England to Napa Vineyards, this selection of Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal and Time-Travel short romance stories is sure to capture your heart.
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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