Subject: Hi Friend, Second chance! In case you missed today's call on the secrets to getting your novel done this year

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In case you missed today's call...
 Winners keep score.  
What are you tracking?
April 14, 2014

Friend, How do you define success? What does winning as a novelist mean to you?
Author Success

For me, I define it as getting to my writing regularly -- you know, the butt in chair action, and where the work gets done. That's the first part of success as a writer for me. The second part of success for me is getting my work published and read.

How about you? How do you define success in your writer's life?

Write me and share your definition of success. For those of you on Twitter, share it there too and tag it with the hashtag: #writersuccess. You can also tag me: @beth_barany.
The Prize

As a writer, the prize is our finished book.

Congratulations for showing up for yourself, your creativity, and your book.

Celebrate your commitment and make a plan for your success.

Success Tip: Create small, measurable, and doable daily goals. For me that shows up as word count when I'm writing my first drafts. When I'm editing, I make my goals either time-based -- spend 1 hour -- or content-based -- focus on rewriting just this one part.

In this way you can track your progress and feel that you are actually making progress.

Write me and share how you're tracking your progress. For those of you on Twitter, share it there too and tag it with the hashtag: #writersuccess. You can also tag me: @beth_barany. You can also share your Aha and discoveries on my Fan page here.
If you'd like a copy of the Special Teleseminar Call: Get Your Novel Done This Year: The Secrets to Planning Out Your Book Without Plotting, then sign up here.


Does the thought of planning your novel freak you out?

Do you freeze whenever you hear the word PLOT?

And yet, it can be hard to work on your book when you don’t know where it’s going.

But guess what? There is a way to actually maintain your intuitive approach to writing and write to THE END. I guarantee it!

In this 90-minute teleseminar call, Beth and Ezra Barany, writing teachers and bestselling authors, covered:

  • Determine your timeline for getting your first draft done
  • Validate your innate storytelling ability
  • Uncover how to use your characters to build your story to THE END
  • Discover other story structures that are more organic to how you think

Who: For dedicated novelists who:

  • Have started writing at least one manuscript
  • Write genre fiction (romance, mystery, thriller, suspense, adventure, fantasy, science fiction, or a combo of these)
  • Want a successful career as a genre fiction novelist
Also, in this call, you’ll learn about how to work further with us.

BONUS: When you sign up for this free call, you’ll also get a special goodie: an audio recording of tips on how to get to know your characters better!

About us: Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

See you there!

What people are saying about working with Beth and Ezra:

“Working with Barany Consulting, a husband-and-wife team, has been a most gratifying experience for my writing endeavors…
I would not hesitate a moment to recommend Barany Consulting to any aspiring author looking for intellectual and emotional support.”
– Rita J. Kuhn Ph.D.

“… I went from struggling writer to becoming an ePub’d writer with Beth’s help. With her invaluable help, I wrote a 1950s Los Angeles Noir Boxing/love story, and it was published! …Thank you Beth, for helping me to believe in myself, my talent, and my goals.” – Carol Malone, Author,

“Beth has a way of evoking motivation and inspiration out of me, by just being, listening and encouraging in a subtle way which is perfect for me… She is one of my allies.” – Karen Lodrick, San Francisco, CA,

When you sign up for this free call, you’ll also get a special goodie: an audio recording of tips on how to get to know your characters better!


PS. As I mentioned above, we're starting our next group coaching program for genre novelists, May 1st.

FYI: If you know this program is right for you, the Early Bird sign up deadline is April 18th.

Stop going at it alone! Get the step-by-step help you need to write, publish, or market your genre novel with experienced and bestselling novelists who are also professional teachers, coaches, and mentors.

All the sign up details here:
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, Piedmont, California 94611, United States
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