Subject: Hi Friend: Reminder: Special Teleseminar: 3 Essential Tips on Publishing for Novelists Today

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Reminder: Special Teleseminar on Publishing
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 5pm Pacific

December 16, 2014

Hi Friend, 


Ezra and I are excited to share with you our knowledge and experience on publishing, so that you can make the right choices for you.

My sites have been attacked, so grab your goodies from this page:

JOIN US: Today, Dec. 16, 5pm Pacific

(Not in this time zone? Check the Time Zone Converter for your local time:

Call: 1-218-632-9353
Press 8878#  -- a few minutes before the conference begins

Participant Keypad Controls:

The call will be recorded. So if you can't attend live, I'll be sending out notice for you to grab the recording in a few days after the call.


Go here to grab them: or if this link isn't working, go here:

You'll get: 
** A Pros & Cons Report: Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

** A 10-Minute Primer on Self-Publishing (audio)

Pass this information on to your friends! They're welcome to join us! 

They can also sign up for my newsletter here:

(This site is still functional! :) )


What are your burning questions about publishing your novel, whether about self-publishing or traditional publishing? Ezra and I will do our best to cover all your questions, along with our essential tips we've learned while publishing collectively over three dozen books for ourselves and with our clients.

Hit "Reply" to this email and let me know your thoughts.

Or you can chat with us during the call on Facebook or Twitter:

And on Twitter using the hashtag: #publishingchat

If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, or publishing services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday, when we're not on holiday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching and change work sessions, consulting, and book marketing services, including a social media and online platform assessment and cover design, for novelists. 

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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