Subject: Hi Friend: Novelists, Just Keep Going & Take Breaks

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Novelists, Just Keep Going & Take Breaks

November 20, 2014

Hi Friend, 

First off, an apology for not sending out my weekly newsletter last week. I forgot. Well, when I remembered last Thursday, it was way too late in the evening. I forgot because when I'm writing my novel with the intensity that I'm giving it right now, other things have a way of fading away. Being a creative channel for the continuing adventures of Henrietta the Dragon Slayer is quite consuming. It's as if my other-than-conscious parts are all occupied with the story, pushing out all other preoccupations -- a bit of an altered state of consciousness. Have you experienced this too?  

Hit "Reply" to this email and let me know your thoughts.

BTW, I thank everyone who has been hitting reply and sending me your thoughts, cares, and concerns. I read them all and I will reply to all of you. 

Featured Rant / Reflection: 
Novelists, Just Keep Going & Take Breaks

Tonight I'm watching the Oakland Raiders play the Kanas City Chieftains. The Raiders have lost all of their games this season: except for tonight's (score: 24-20). Thank goodness! 

But should the Raiders give up playing football just because they haven't won a game or won very few?


Neither should we when we're feeling like nothing is going right with our writing, our marketing, or anything else related to being an author.

I love watching sports because of how these athletes just keep going, despite the downs, especially the downs. To every game, they bring it -- their heart, their drive, and all their training and experience.

We novelists are the marathon runners of writers. Butt in seat day after day, year after year. And not just for the writing and editing part. But also for the marketing and publishing. 

My way of staying sane and staying the course is to remind myself to take it one day at a time, one writing session at a time, one marketing campaign at a time.

I use the same approach when I work out at capoeira and strength training.

All we can control or do anything about is this moment, so let's put our attention here. 

That brings me to the second part -- about taking a break.

Sometimes I'm not feeling the creative flow. I feel a tension in my gut or between my temples. It's hard to focus. My body is protesting in all kinds of ways.

So I say, "Okay," breathe, and step away from the writing, or any activity I was telling myself I was "supposed" to do.

My goal is to listen to myself in all things.

Because if I can't trust my creative writing self, who can I trust?

And if I trust myself in this domain, then I can trust myself in every domain of life.

Let me know what this reflection/rant triggers for you. Hit "Reply" to this email and let me know your thoughts.

Special Black Friday Sale

If you want to step up your book marketing, running a blog tour is a great way to get the key influencers -- book bloggers and reviewers -- reviewing and talking about your book.

This 3-hour video course explains how to run a successful blog tour for yourself or for others.

Designed by a novelist (me!) for novelists, specifically genre fiction writers, though totally applicable to nonfiction authors.

Take this course if you want to reach your readers through one of today's most influential marketing channels for authors: book bloggers and avid bloggers.

A blog tour or virtual book tour is a way to spread the message about your book, generate book sales, increase your newsletter subscribers, increase your readership, and overall, increase your author platform (or reach).

I created this course so you could be empowered to run a blog tour for yourself. I provide templates, examples, and some fun bonuses too!

Awesome deal! Yep, it's $11 today. Price goes up every day until 11/28/2014 12midnight Pacific.

Please spread the word. Thanks!

Now out! 

The Fall 2014 issue of the Author Entrepreneurship Magazine on:

"Writing Programs, Apps & Tools"


In this issue, you’ll discover:
  • What prompted the creation of Bublish? by Kathy Meis
  • The Future for Authors Looks Bright by Evan Jacobs
  • Write Out Loud: How to Start Podcasting By Catharine Bramkamp
  • Tips for Making Your Own Book Trailer By Angela Myron
  • Apps for Submissions, Interviews, and Other Deadlines by Shauna Aura Knight
  • Three Software Programs to Keep a Writer Organized by Vanessa Kier
  • Copy Edit Apps For Prolific Authors by Claudia Hall Christian

All the articles are here:

IMPORTANT: If you'd like to write for the Winter/New Year's issue, our last quarterly issue, articles are due: Nov. 30th. ** Theme: The Ins and Outs of Cover Design for Novelists. How to query here. **
 November 15-30th: Gratitude giveaways at Writer's Fun Zone and my author site, 

 Early December: Coming soon! I'll be opening up Early Registration for the Group Coaching Program for Genre Novelists in a few week, early December. I'll be running some fun, free webinars on writing, editing, and marketing your novels.

 4 Fridays in December: Christmas Romance Blog Series: Sign up if you'd like me to feature your romance.

If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, or publishing services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.

Top Photo Credit: by Vivienne McMaster
Bottom Photo Credit: by Beth Barany
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