Subject: Hi Friend, Correction: Entry Deadline tonight + Corrected Link!

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Entry Deadline tonight! Enter this Contest & Win a Coaching Session!

April 1, 2015

Hi Friend, 

Happy April's Fool's Day! 

And... this is not trick. I'm resending a quick correction.

The correct link to enter the contest is here: 

You have until 11:59pm Pacific to enter. Good luck!

Here's my quick reminder on two things -- in case you didn't see it the first time:

  • Tonight (April 1, 2015 11:59pm Pacific) is the deadline for the Genre First Chapter Contest I'm judging!

    Part of the San Mateo County Fair Literary Stage.

    This contest is open to writers worldwide.

    Polish your first chapter and send it in! Entries due: April 1st, 2015.

    To enter, fill out the application here: (*Corrected link)

    Prizes, of course!
    1st Place Winner: Author Coaching Package (3 sessions) valued at $450
    2nd Place Winner: One Author Coaching session (valued at $150)
    3rd Place Winner: A signed copy of The Writer's Adventure Guide by Beth Barany 

    Submit chapter one (max 3,000 words) of your unpublished novel of any one of these genres: Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction. 

    Please no: Romance, Horror, Erotica. (NO SYNOPSIS OR PROLOGUE).

    You must include a one-paragraph Elevator Pitch. Open to unpublished or self-published authors only.

    NEW THIS YEAR MULTIPLE NOVEL CONTEST ENTRY OPTION: Work may be also submitted to the Division 350 Publisher’s Choice novel chapter contest, but must keep with this contest’s 3000 word limit (separate entry fee applies).

Rules posted here: (*Right link too!)

  • Secondly, my 30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel is open now! This is my launch course for our new Barany School of Fiction.

    Join us in the class! I'll be preparing 3 novellas during the class.

    Please share with your friends. All the details for our current and upcoming courses here:

    We're getting started today!

    Follow along with the hashtag: 
    #30daywc on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Yep, I did play hooky in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. My cousin had an extra ticket and so I got to see Maroon 5, as well as the incredible and talented San Francisco singer Rozzi Crane, and the fun Toronto band band, Magic! Adam Levine is one amazing performer! And sexy with his shirt off!

I loved dancing in my seat, the crowd, the enthusiasm, and the noise! How it will filter into my stories, we'll see! I'm about to dive into planning my romance novellas!

In other fun news, I was interviewed for the Generations Literary Journal's Podcast by my friend and colleague, Kiala Givehand. The podcast went live today! You can check it out here: I talk about my upcoming e-courses, taking writers to Paris, and the next book in my Henrietta series. While you're there, please subscribe and support the Journal. Thanks! #genlitpodcast #generationlit

Where do you find inspiration outside writing and reading?

Hit reply and let me know!
Check out my interview with Kiala Givehand on the Generations Literary Journal Podcast! It went live today.

I'm listening to it now! So fun! I even read an excerpt from Henrietta The Dragon Slayer!

Make sure you subscribe in iTunes to support this small press that publishes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction by writers of all ages.

Grab it here:
Hashtags for sharing: #genlitpodcast #generationslit
The "Prepare Your Novel for $1/day for 30 Days" home study course is live!

Go here to our new Barany School of Fiction to sign up to be notified when the course launches. We're putting the final touches on the course.

I'm preparing three romance novellas in this April, continuing my Touchstone series. Why don't you join in the course with your story?!

While this course is self-paced -- do it on your own time -- I answer all questions posted in the forums with one day during the business week. I'll also be sharing my journey with this course on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: #30daywc.
Romance On-Preorder

I'm super excited to announce my romance collection is on pre-order with Amazon!

You get all four of my paranormal romance novellas and a bonus short story.

Travel to worlds where anything is possible—time travel to Medieval France; a cute Santa’s elf hiding in plain sight in San Francisco; a mystery under the city of Paris that only love can unlock; and, love, destiny, and a labyrinth.

Pre-order here:

Yes, the cover is a piece of my art, created at Painting at the Wild Heart with Chris Zydel. :)
If you have any questions about my author coaching, book marketing, cover design or publishing consulting services, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday, when we're not on holiday.

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching and change work sessions, and book marketing coaching, including a social media and online platform assessment and cover design, for novelists. More at You can schedule an appointment here:

SOCIAL MEDIA: Let's connect in a way that's right for you!


And more!

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster
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