Subject: Happy Holidays + Creative Commitment

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Happy Holidays + Creative Commitment

23 December 2016
Oakland, CA

Dear Friend,

Happy Holidays to you and yours! May your holiday gatherings be full of love and joy!

Ezra and I celebrated Solstice this week at the sunstone at Lawrence Hall of Science with friends, and will celebrate Hanukkah at home and Christmas with my family.

This year, like last, I'm deep in writing a novel. For me, the winter is a time of deep creativity. I know it's not that way for everyone. So if you're at a different stage of your creativity, I honor that. And hope you can too.

One of the things I teach in my classes and group coaching program is how to recognize and honor your own creative process.

But what if you don't know what that is? What if you haven't quite started that novel you so desire to write?

I've been talking to beginning writers who want to be writing but aren't, who sit on the cusp of that deep dive into the hard work of being a novelist.

The difference between wanting and doing is not just action -- so very important -- but also the decision to act.

Even if it's scary.

Even if you don't know what lies on the other side of your decision.

This choice takes courage.

Commit to starting your novel no matter what.

Of course you don't know what it looks like. You've never written a novel before. (Or edited, or published, or marketed. New is scary. That's the nature of new.)

One place you can start is our Plan Your Novel homestudy course. Or check out the free mini version here.

If you don't know where to start writing your novel, I recommend you start by preparing the soil of your imagination. You have a seed of an idea. There is more in you. 

Writing begets writing.

Ask good questions and write your answers. Or take our planning class. Then actually do the assignments. Focus on your idea for your novel, set the timer for 15 minutes, and write.

If you need help with the newness of editing, check out our EDIT YOUR NOVEL class that starts this January 2017.

Registration deadline is next week, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016, 9pm PT.

And here's to your learning and success!

Check out our February and March editing classes, too, because editing takes a while. ;)

Lastly, if you join our 12-month Group Coaching program between now and Dec. 28th, -- special! -- you get the January 2017 EDIT YOUR NOVEL course for free.

A Christmas gift for you if you like sweet paranormal romances: my 2-ebook collection CHRISTMAS MAGIC is free for five days, starting today, on Amazon! (Click here for your Amazon portal out of the US.)

Another Holiday Gift for you! Get a free eBook of Self Promo Stories by authors, including me. Enjoy these fun strategies to sell books.

A request to you! I'm starting a Patreon account as a way to share my novels with the world. If you can help, even $1, that would mean the world to me and all my readers.

Have a Happy and Creative Week!

And thanks for showing up for yourself and doing your creative work!

All our best,
Beth & Ezra

PS. Check out one of our monthly columnist's insightful articles: “Selling Out for the Holidays!” by author and writing coach Catharine Bramkamp.

Enjoy! Direct link: 

PPS. I have opening for a few more monthly columnists for our Writer's Fun Zone blog. Check out the writer's guidelines and see if we're a good fit for you and then query me!

PPPS. I have some fun projects cooking for 2017, including more webinars, live classes (2017 schedule here), and fun giveaways for novelists. Stay tuned!

Barany School of Fiction

Writer's Fun Zone blog

If there are resources you'd like to support your novel writing career, but don't see on my blog, products, school, or 12-month author group coaching program, hit reply and let me know. I'm always creating new courses and products for you, so that you can inspire the world.

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, with 20 books and 6 awards to their name. They are teachers who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published and into the hands of their readers.

Happily married for over 16 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

 We offer coaching, change work sessions, book marketing coaching (Beth) and cover design (Ezra), all for genre novelists. More at 

To explore how Beth can support you, schedule a 1-hour complimentary Discovery Call here:


I support writers and aspiring authors through classes and workshops, articles, books, group programs, and consultations with private clients.

I also help authors because I walk my talk; everything I or my teachers teach is based in real experience and matured through the school of hard knocks.

I believe that the creative life works better with play and love, so with playful joy, I offer you goodies to support you in your writer's adventure.


An award-winning novelist, certified creativity coach and Master NLP Practitioner, Beth runs Writer's Fun Zone, a blog for and by writers, and her recently launched school for novelists, the Barany School of Fiction.

Beth writes young adult (YA) fantasy and contemporary fantasy romance. She also writes how-to books and courses for novelists, including her home study coaching guide, The Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, a Hero's Journey adaption with you the author as the hero in your own adventure of writing your book.

In her downtime, Beth reads, colors, watches movies with her sweetie, travels, and has coffee with friends and family. And plays with her cat, gardens, and walks. And sleeps. She loves sleep.

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster

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