Subject: Bloom Where You Are Planted & Help Spread the Word on #30DayWC

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Bloom Where You Are Planted & Help Spread the Word on #30DayWC

September 4, 2014

Hi Friend,

As I look at this picture of myself holding one of the first copies of my YA fantasy novel, I feel vulnerable, proud, and am thinking, "Oh boy! What now?!"

And that was 3 years ago now.

I'm still nervous about sharing my fiction. My stories feel so personal, especially my young adult adventure fantasy, Henrietta The Dragon Slayer. Henrietta is a part of me, you know? That story has been living in me for over 20 years.

Despite the nervousness about sharing my work with the world, aka marketing, I am driven to write my YA fantasy and paranormal romance.

One of my clients said it so sweetly... She said, "Us shy writers who want big lives have it the hardest."

I smiled. "I think we signed up for this gig. At least I know I did."

That is my belief for all of us shy writers who want big lives. That we signed up for this and so we are well-qualified to have our big lives and be okay with being shy writers.

Perhaps this shyness makes us humble. Perhaps this shyness makes us just get to work and be excellent writers.

Whatever gifts being shy brings us, I know one thing.

I know we can use our super powers of creativity and persistence to succeed.

I have to believe this, otherwise I'd just sit on my couch all day, eat potato chips and watch Firefly reruns. (Well, I do this sometimes.)

I'm not happy sitting on my couch all day, every day. I want to have an impact in the world. I want to write wonderful, compelling, delicious stories.

I also want to help others. So here we are. I believe we can bloom where we are now. Read on for more about that...

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Do you feel that your book marketing efforts are going unnoticed? Are you confused by all your options?

I know how you feel.

And please do share with me how you'd end the sentence: My greatest desire as a writer is to....

Hit reply to this email or comment on the blog.
I'm super excited about the party, um I mean, 30-Day Writing Challenge, we're having in October.

I'd love your help in spreading the word!

Here's some tweets in the form of tips, because people tell me they like useful tweets.

  • Tip#1 to prepare for nanowrimo: Know your ending 1st. Brainstorm 20+ ways it cld be. #30daywc

  • Tip#2 to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: Hook your readers at the beginning in way thts right for yr genre #30daywc

  • Tip#3 to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: Know what your character wants + why #30daywc

  • Tip#4 to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: Discover the story's conflicts in what your character's most afraid of #30daywc
If you want more ways to spread the news about the October course and earn some bonuses -- free passes to the course -- you can sign up to be an affiliate here.
If you want to have a chat about your book marketing needs, we can do that. Clients hire me to help them decide their strategy and also to hire me and my team to implement for them. We create tailored programs for you. So if you're curious about getting book marketing coaching and implementation, then sign up here for a complimentary Discovery Session and we'll get you moving on sharing the word about your books, aka marketing. I have only 4 more clients slots available, so act now if you know this is right for you.


Beth Barany
Award-winning Novelist, Keynote Speaker & Creativity Coach for Novelists

PS. Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends via social media and/or email. Spread the love! And thanks!

PPS. You're welcome to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, or Pinterest. And now YouTube.
Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.
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