Subject: Back-to-School with Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers

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Back-to-School with 
Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers

Sept. 6, 2022
Oakland, CA

Hi Friend,
This week I'm sharing resources to support your learning and growth as a fiction writer.

Today, I want to spotlight a course by a colleague, writing teacher, and editor on Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers.

C.S. Lakin has created a robust class that will help you craft the number one thing readers want when they read: stories that make them care, and more importantly, feel.

Here's what she says about the course:

Readers read to care, and they won't care about your characters and story unless you masterful show emotion in your characters and evoke emotion in your readers.

No other course, book, workshop, podcast, or writing conference is going to teach you the skills and technique you need to master showing and telling emotion. 

Why do you love the novels you love? Because they made you feel something

This month, to help you get back to school, you can get Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers at 50% off! 

Use coupon code EMOTE at checkout.

Note: you may not be able to put in the code on a phone, so try a pad or computer.

You still get lifetime access, and it still comes with that 30-day money-back guarantee. 

So what do you have to lose? 

The sooner you learn to wield emotion effectively in your fiction, the better your stories will be. No question about it.

So, enroll HERE and get started. 

Hours of video instruction, handouts, sample scenes, exercises--everything you need and you go at your own pace. 

Rememer to use coupon code EMOTE at checkout to save 50%!

Hear what a few of the hundreds of writers who've taken this course say about it:

“Lightbulbs flashing in my head right now. This course is wonderful! I know that several of my scenes are falling flat at the moment, and I wasn't sure how to fix them. I feel I've got a great starting point now from which to approach my rewrite.” 
— Elizabeth Braten

“I want readers to care about my characters as if they are family or friends. C. S. Lakin’s, Emotional Mastery for Fiction Writers course, is the tough-love teaching that’s helping me accomplish this goal. Her audio and visual examples show how to evoke emotional responses in readers, not just give them riveting stories with worthy characters. I’ve learned to slow down the action in key scenes and allow my characters to emote and process as real people. This has made a huge difference in my WIP. I even made myself laugh and cry.”
— Phyllis A Still, author of the Dangerous Loyalties series

“I came to this class because a frequent criticism of my work has been that it doesn't reveal enough inner thoughts and feelings. You have supplied me with the tools to fix that problem, and also showed me that a writer should never assume the reader will know what a character is feeling in a given set of circumstances. These tools/ideas will be useful for my nonfiction writing, as well. Thank you!” 
— Roberta Gibson

“I had been struggling with a part of my story and couldn't figure out how to improve it although I knew something was off. I applied this to the questionable scene and all became clear. This is one of the most helpful strategies I've ever heard and I'm grateful.” 
— Victoria Ryan

Here's to writing great fiction!

Have a happy and creative week! Happy Writing!

All my best,


P.S. I offer coaching sessions for writers who are stuck in their process but really want to get moving. His reply if you're curious to learn more. Or, reach out to explore together here.

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach/Teacher/Speaker for Novelists


Beth Barany
Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*


How To Write The Future podcast
Resources for Writers here
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