Subject: Are you planning to write or finish a novel this year?

Tools and Events to Feed Your Creative Soul

Are you planning to write or finish a novel this year?

Hi Friend,

I'm about to dig into my novel this afternoon - 1st round edits - sitting outside in the shade in Oakland, CA. A lovely afternoon here, thankfully not to hot or too cold.

And thinking of you and your books!

You're getting this email because you've taken either our Plan Your Novel, or Plan and Write Your Novel, or 7 Essential Keys to Planning Your Novel class sometime in the last 9 years. (Wow!!)

Congrats for taking steps toward a finished book!

My one question for you:

Are you planning to write or finish a novel this year?

Hit reply and let me know. I'd love to hear.

For me, selfishly, to know I'm not alone, and for you, to cheer you on!

Reminder: You have lifetime access to your course. And I'm here in the school to answer any questions you have.

How to access your course

1. Login to the school here:

2. Click "My Courses" and then click on the course to gain access.

Forgot your login? Just use the "Forgot password?" link to reset it.


Have a happy and creative week.




🌟 I have a few openings for 1-1 writing coaching sessions for dedicated novelists who need support, accountability, and to get unstuck to they can get to their vital work of telling the story only they know how to tell.

Click here to sign up.

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers

Teacher, Speaker, Workshop Facilitator

Plus, Teaching tailored story writing curriculums for future-facing, bold organizations who want members to think outside the box and take action.

Creativity is the answer.

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*

Award-winning science fiction & fantasy novelist.

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

Here be the legalese: In connection with the operation of this newsletter and business, Creativity Sparks includes affiliate links to trusted partners. Barany Consulting earns a commission from the Affiliate Links which commission is based on the number of sales that are made as a result of users of the Newsletter clicking over to the Affiliate Link and purchasing from the Affiliate Link a product and/or service. Thus endth the legalese.

live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.

Thanks for reading! You're awesome. ❤️

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