Subject: 5 powerful storytelling structures made simple (& does it matter which one you use?)

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5 powerful storytelling structures made simple (& does it matter which one you use?)

17 March 2017
Oakland, CA

Hi Friend,

How do you choose the best storytelling structure for your story?

It's a question that haunts most writers.

Especially intuitive writers--pantsers--who tend to write organically.

Like me.

Though now I love the Hero's Journey and several other storytelling structures, I didn't love structure at first. I didn't even understand it.

In my early days, I read a book about using plot points, and I decided to try it.

But I struggled to figure out what went into those plot points.

The author of the book recommended that I write the story's plot points out of order.

It's a method that works for some people, but it confused me big time.

It took me five years to finish that novel. A mess of a novel that remains in my closet.

But instead of making me want to give up, I was fueled to find a story structure that worked for me.

That's when I came across the Hero's Journey. Something clicked and I wrote my next novel in only six weeks.

I've now become a story structure evangelist, from a pantser's perspective.

So much so that I'll be hosted by my friend and writing coach colleague, Lynn Johnston, in a live training next week, Wednesday, March 22: 

How to Choose Your Story’s Structure.

In this training, you’ll learn the ins and outs of five storytelling structures that have stood the test of time because of their ability to move readers:
  • Three-Act Structure
  • The Hero’s Journey
  • The Virgin Archetypal Journey
  • The Five-Point Structure
  • The Five Commandments of Storytelling

You’ll also learn:
  • How each of these structures highlight different aspect of story
  • The relationships between these five structures—how they overlap and how they diverge
  • How the obligatory scenes of different genres fit into these structures

If you can’t make the live training, you’ll get a replay in video and audio.

And as always, you can ask us follow-up questions in email if you need help applying the concepts to your story.

You’ll also get:
  • A transcript of the training
  • A PDF containing the slides
  • Cheatsheets and worksheets for each of the structures
  • Bonus course: 7 Keys to Story Planning (free)

If you’d like to deepen your understanding of these five powerhouse story structures, you can find out more (and sign up) here:

If you’re a plotter, this training will give you a new perspective on storytelling structure—a look at the big picture that will make plotting easier, no matter what structure you choose for each story.

If you’re a pantser, this is your chance to learn about story structure from someone who thinks like you do. :)

Here's to you and your creativity!

Have a great week!

All my best,


April 3, 2017, 11:59pm PT: Deadline for the 1st Chapter Genre Contest. All the details here: 

Spring is in full force here in Northern California. Allergies too!

Beth Barany is creativity coach for writers and a teacher.

She also writes magical tales of romance and adventure. Check out her books here.

Support her mission to empower women and girls with her fiction here.

Read her latest book for writers, Twitter for Authors, here.

Barany School of Fiction

Writer's Fun Zone blog

Photo Credit: by c. 2014 Vivienne McMaster

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