Subject: [30DayWC] Week #2: Character Development

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[30DayWC] Week #2: Character Development

October 8, 2014

Hi Friend, Resending... Let me know you got this!

Welcome to Week #2 of the 30-Day Writing Challenge to Preparing Your Novel for NaNoWriMo.

This week we focus on Character Development.

There are multiple (14) character questions to think about. Each question can take you from a minute to 15 minutes or more to answer. If you want, break your work into small chunks, so that you can answer all the questions during week.

When you’re ready, share your results, Ahas and questions on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #30DAYWC.

For the Premium, ALL-IN group, share your results, Ahas and questions in our private Facebook group.

Let’s get started!

Keep in mind: Take note of your genre. This will give you a general idea of your story ending and the kinds of characters that work best for the story you’re writing.

Brainstorm these essential elements of each of your main characters to get you started:

1. Goal, motivation and conflict, for both the inner life and outer life.

Once you know what your character wants and why, ask your character: What will having that do for you?

Once you have an answer, ask again with the new answer in mind: What will having that do for you?

And again, a third time, with the new answer in mind: What will having that do for you?

Keep going a few more times, if you’re so inclined.

2. Strengths, inherent and learned. These could be things your character is born with as well as things, people, objects in his life.

3. Important relationships. Include good and difficult relationships that feel key to the story and to your character.

4. Appearance: Height, weight, body type, etc.

5. Education: Formal and informal, on the job, and at school.

6. Home, living circumstances. Describe also the intimate details of her lived environment. Be specific.

7. Preferred travel method. How does he have to get around and how does he feel about it? What does he wish he could drive or take?

8. Backstory as it relates to story problem. Pick one event and pick out the key sensory elements that deeply affected your main character.

9. The things in her pockets, or backpack, or car, or satchel, etc. Find at least one item that tells a lot about your character.

10. Habits, mannerisms, ticks. Pick one specific thing that he or she does.

11. Occupation. What does your main character do for a living? How does she feel about it?

12. Personality. How would someone else, not your main character, describe his personality?

13. Hopes, fears, dreams, and wishes. Ask: What does she hope for? What does she wish for? What does she dream about? What does she fear? Each of these questions can trigger a different response.

14. What else occurs to you to note about your main character? Jot it down.

You can download the identical material in handout format here: Password: #30DAYWC (case sensitive)

Now that you’ve drafted yours, if you’re ready for feedback, share with your writing buddies or with the #30DAYWC group on Twitter, Facebook or in the private Facebook group.

An author asked me recently how I (Beth) keep track of all my story and character details. The answer is I use the software called Scrivener to keep all my story notes, research, images, and first draft.

I’m giving away 1 copy of Scrivener to a Lucky Winner! 

Special giveaway: On Twitter from Oct. 8th through Oct. 14th. 

To enter: Post a fun discovery about your main character on Twitter using the hashtag #30DAYWC Oct. 8th through Oct. 14th 9pm.

Prize: We will give 1 Lucky Winner a coupon for 100% off Scrivener. ($45 value) ( 

We’ll share the winner in the Week #3 lesson on Wednesday, Oct. 15th.

If you have any questions about the course, just reply to this email and we'll help you out within 24 hours during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Beth & Ezra

PS. The next live teaching will be Tuesday, October 14, 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Reminder emails will come separately.

Oct. 1-31, 2014:
Ezra and I are your guides during this course...

Beth and Ezra Barany are award-winning, best-selling novelists, who have worked with over 100 authors to help them get their books written and published.

♥ Happily married for over 15 years, we’re passionate about writing, storytelling, and guiding authors to achieve their dreams.

We offer coaching, consulting, and book production services, including cover design, to authors. Contact us for a complimentary session today.
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