Subject: 3 Essential Tips for Your Publishing Success ♥️

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3 Essential Tips for Your Publishing Success ♥️

Oct. 14, 2022
Oakland, CA

Hi Friend,
I made a thing for you... the next podcast episodes for the How To Write The Future podcast on 3 essential tips to your publishing success.

Tip 1: On Genre and Genre Expectations

“When we speak of our genre, readers come to our work, knowing generally what's going to happen.”

In this first of a two-episodes series, I talk about understanding genres and genres expectations, including how you can use different tropes in your fiction writing.

Part 1:

Tips 2 and 3: On Trust and On Getting Feedback

In the conclusion of this two-part series on publishing tips, I go in trust and belief in yourself, plus how to gain feedback on your writing to help you improve as a writer.

Part 2:

My first 5-Star review for the podcast

Thank you, Rod!
Listen on Buzzsprout or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
On Getting Feedback

If you need feedback on your fiction and are ready for that, you have options:

— Ask for beta readers (link to article)

— Join a critique group or create your own (link to a class we offer on that topic)

— Work 1-1 with a writing coach and developmental editor. 

That could be me. 

I work with people who want support for their novel in the context of group accountability and developmental edits from me. 

If this interests you and you’d like to chat to be sure working together is a good match for you, sign up for a Discovery Call here.

More about the Author Group Coaching program for Genre Fiction Novelists here:

I often work with writers who haven’t shown their work to anyone else for professional feedback, and I help them bolster their confidence, connect to their clarity, and polish their manuscript so they can to pitch to an agent or editor or self-publish.
Your Feedback Welcome!

Over here in creative cave, I’m designing my Creative Entrepreneurbhip Labs in conjunction with other creativity experts. 

We're envisioning these labs as hands-on workshops designed for you to step into writing your own future as artists in the marketplace.

What we have cooking: 

We'll be offering a paid workshop on visioning your new year’s intentions and goals in the early stages, taught by my friend and colleague, Shannon Borg, coming at the beginning of December. Date coming soon!

Coming April 2023, we'll be offering a free series of book marketing chats and teachings by interesting and eclectic people, culminating in a paid workshop I’ll be offering in May 2023 on Crafting Your Author Persona, so that you can market with ease, comfort, and confidence. Dates will be coming in the new year.

Here's where I need your feedback -- and thanks in advance -- 

Hit reply and tell me what other topics in creative entrepreneurship interest you:

- How to craft your Author Branding statement
- How to determine your genre
- How to write your author bio
- How to build community before you publish
- What else?!

Congrats to my longtime client, Mellissa Green, for starting her own podcast:

Uniquely Abled
The Podcast about disability, inclusivity and digital accessibility

I recommend her interview with Amber Hines, The founder of equalized digital a company devoted to web accessibility. Enlightening.

Have a happy and creative week! Happy Writing!

All my best,


P.S. Next week, in celebration of the new fall season (or spring, depending on where you are) I'll be announcing a big sale at Barany School of Fiction. Stay tuned.  

Beth Barany
Creativity Coach for Writers
Teacher/Speaker/Workshop Facilitator

I not only teach and coach novelists, I am one too! 

Author of *Magical Tales of Romance, Mystery, and Adventure*


How To Write The Future podcast - The How to Write The Future Podcast is for science fiction and fantasy writers who want to create optimistic stories because when we vision what is possible, we help make it so. Sign up today for your Story Success Clinic session and get promo for your books.

It's NaNoWriMo Season, so here are some Novel Planning Resources for you - "8 Tips to Plan Your Novel to Write With Confidence and Clarity"

Sign Up To Talk To A Writing Coach  - It is my passion to help novelists. As a coach and teacher, I help science fiction & fantasy writers get their novels completed, out into the world, and into the hands of their readers. Let's chat and explore if working together is the right fit for you now.

Latests Posts of Writer's Fun Zone
Hi, I'm Beth Barany, fiction writing teacher and novelist.

Here's my ABOUT:

Beth Barany is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy novelist, and certified creativity coach for writers, and runs the podcast, How To Write The Future.

She specializes in helping writers experience clarity, so they can write, revise, and proudly publish their novels to the delight of their readers. 

Her courses are packed with useful hands-on information that you can implement right away. Her transformational consulting sessions help you step into the author life you want with ease and joy.

She runs an online school for fiction writers, including a 12-month group coaching program to help them develop an editing practice and get published. 

More resources on publishing, book marketing, and novel writing are on her blog, for and by creative writers, Writer's Fun Zone

When she's not helping writers, Beth writes magical tales of romance, mystery, and adventure that empower women and girls to be the heroes of their own lives. 

For fun, Beth loves walking her hilly neighborhood, puttering in her garden, and watching YouTube videos about the space industry. Beth lives in Oakland, California with her husband, Ezra Barany, also a novelist, and their cats. 
live in the territory of Huichin, part of the stolen land of the Chochenyo Muwekma Ohlone, the successors of the historic and sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County.


I stand with people of Ukraine in their fight for freedom from oppression and the right to self-determine.
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