Subject: Wellness Workshop for a Once (or twice) In a Lifetime Eclipse Event

Hello again . . .

Perhaps something is blooming in your brain but don’t even know what it is, or how to access it. Or ~ perhaps you already have a creative practice but want to explore new avenues for inspiration.

In spite of having many accomplishments to be proud of, our daily lives sometimes aren’t filled with the kind of joy we’d hoped for and believed we’d be experiencing.

What we’re feeling isn’t exactly depression, but rather a sense of disappointment that life isn’t as good as we thought it would be.

Here's one thing I know for sure:

Now, more than ever, conversations are needed in our world, to inspire the kind of authentic self-reflection that propels tremendous growth and power.

The possibilities you feel in your clearest moments for your gifts, purpose, relationships, health, prosperity, creativity, impact and contribution – are REAL.

Not only that, your family, friends, co-workers, and our worl\d needs your brilliance, gifts and talents—all you have to offer—fully unlocked!

The world doesn't wait for us to "get our act together." We can't fix the past. We can't change the people we live with, work with. We can't make our family or friends treat us with the kindness and respect we truly deserve. 

So, what CAN we do to improve what we experience every day? 
How CAN we make sense of our feelings about, and around our predicaments?

I wish I had a "secret solvent" to erase all the "stuff" that goes on. I wish I had a "secret formula" to mix up and fix up the troubles that arise when we least expect them. I can't.

BUT, what I CAN DO -- is offer a way to tap into your innate creativity -- the mystical, magical place in your being, that exudes magnificence.

And, YES -- it's true -- you can reduce anxiety with art, drawing and learning how to tap into your creativity. Start to picture the possibilities!  Your life could have a transformation when you take the time to receive and shine a light on your inner masterpiece.

I'm inviting you to participate in my ARTivity 'cause somewhere in our past or present we met in person, or online, and realized we share a curiosity about the world and all it has to offer.

Join the Heal with your Art and Wellness Workshop to celebrate the eclipse which lasts approx 3 minutes . . . Our time to explore creativity together is scheduled for 30 minutes, a $7 investment to explore your creative energy -- 24 hours before the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse.

ACTIVATE your CREATIVITY:  moondala – sunstar - earth mandala

Curiously creative artists + non-artists are welcome!

Sunday, April 7, 3:00 pm EDT - Register Now!

Join our small group where creativity seekers gather:

I can help you discover AND shine a light on your inner masterpiece.

Marti ~ Masterpiece Mentor

This training is for you if:

  1. Life has gotten too serious and you’ve lost contact with your innocent, playful side.

  2. You’re tired of repeatedly doing the same thing and want to bring more spontaneity into your life.

  3. You’re looking for a simple, relaxing, fun way to support your health and wellbeing.

  4. You haven’t made art since you were a kid and don’t know where to start.



Martha (aka mARTi) is a Creativity Coach who guides curious adults who have forgotten how to play, learn and discover how to use art to reignite their imagination so they can live a more abundant life.
Marti believes everyone is creative, and has the capacity to make meaningful art.

YES, even YOU!

1.         lowers cortisol, the stress hormone. activates the reward centers of the brain so you feel better and become relaxed.

2.         processes emotions by translating them into a visual when words are difficult to find.
3.         guides you into imagination and visioning to help make new pathways for problem solving and decision making.


“What I loved about Marti’s training:
1) It was fun, and I looked forward to each ARTivity

2) It took me out of a mindset that my art had to look or be done a certain way – which allowed my creativity to flow!
3) It didn’t take huge amounts of time.
4) It gave me a way to tune in to my creative energy!”
~ Michelle

“This training is awesome! What a great way to connect with my inner child and experience how good it feels to color ARTside the lines - especially when I make the lines myself!”
~ Diane