Subject: Join me to Paint in Peace and Pivot to Possibility

It happened! I recently pulled off the biggest pivot of my life.
Have you been feeling challenged lately?

Are you looking for comfort to ease your pain?

Do you find that minutes, hours, days, weeks go by and you wonder why, where, when you will recover from the challenges of the year?

Do you feel there is a positive change in your future, but can’t quite name it?

It happened! I recently pulled off the biggest pivot of my life.

  • Bigger than the time I was nominated for Entertainer of the Year for painting 20 portraits from the front porch.
  • More than the time I performed solo oboe with 200 harpists for an audience 1000s.

What was the noteworthy pivot?

The pivot involved the releasing of a significant amount of emotional pain from the past decade (s) . . . 
And . . . in only a few short months

How is that possible?

Are you ready for a Pivot for Peace? 

Join me to learn how.  
  • Picture a time when the gnawing gut feeling that you were not good enough, would just go away . . .
  • Picture a time when you were totally alone and isolated even while with another person . . .
  • Picture a time when you were invisible while in a gathering of family members . . .
  • You know what I mean . “You’re such a strong person,” “You always look like you have it together,” “You are so confident” (when actually the butterflies inside your stomach have not even emerged from their chrysalis – much less launched freely in flight to Mexico)
There is only so long we can keep that façade of strength going – and then it ALL TUMBLES DOWN!
NOW --- imagine how it would feel if you could be: 

• Noticed
• Heard
• Understood

Picture the possibility of getting to a point in your life where you can finally feel free -- to just -- BE!

That is right – picture the possibility that you are recognized simply for who you are – without pretending or hiding behind a mask of pseudo-strength. 

I’m Martha Pineno – and I have a solution.   A solution that does not fit in the standard box of care and healing methods.

That’s right . . . Connect with Creativity is for you if you want to start to break down the barriers of isolation and invisibility and finally feel peace.


Go from Isolation to Inspiration – and Pivot for PEACE

All levels of curiosity are welcome!

Let's be curious together, 

~ Marti

Ohio Baked, LLC, PO Box 910, Lot 2030, Columbus, OH 43216, United States
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