Subject: 7 Ways to Pause and Pivot IN Peace

Are you feeling anxious?

Do you experience overwhelm?

Are you looking for something to ease your pain?

If so, join Tuesday to pivot from pain to peace.
It's all about CHANGE and CREATIVITY

Change is our only constant.  Resistance to change is a natural. We like new things, new clothes, new places, new hair cut, new car, new experience.   

But what about NEW ideas?  

Why are we so resistant to the most important form of change: new ways to perceive. New ways of seeing, feeling, listening, responding -- are all part of change.  And yet we become rooted in patterns of the past! 

What if we could pivot away from past or present pain -- into possibility and PEACE?

How would that look?  How would that feel? 
What is a noteworthy pivot?  

The pivot involved the releasing of a significant amount of emotional pain from the past decade (s) . . . 
And . . . in only a few short months

Are you ready to pivot IN peace?
Join Tuesday, for pause IN peace program.
Use the purple link to register.
How is peace possible? 

~ Picture a time when a gnawing gut feeling that you weren't good enough, finally went away. That's peace.

~ Picture a time when you were totally alone
and isolated, yet met another person who accepted you.  You felt peace.

~ Picture a time when you were invisible during a family gathering, but knew your neighbor was looking out for you.  Peace found you. 

Go from isolation to inspiration – from pain to peace

Join me Tuesday to learn how to pivot from pain to peace.
Picture the possibility and get to a place in your life where you can finally feel free -- to just -- BE!

That is right – picture the possibility that you are recognized simply for who you are – without pretending or hiding behind a mask of pseudo-strength. 

I’m Martha (Marti) Pineno – and I have a solution. A solution that does not fit in the standard box of care and healing methods.

That’s right . . . pause IN peace is for you if you want to start to break down the barriers of isolation and invisibility and finally feel some PEACE. 

You are invited to pause IN peace program and discover how you can heal from hurt as you activate your innate creativity.

All levels of curiosity are welcome!  

So, let's be curious together.

~ Marti

The program is FREE, but there are limited spots.

Join our FB group:

*The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire.
Ohio Baked, LLC, PO Box 910, Lot 2030, Columbus, OH 43216, United States
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