Subject: 5 Steps to Find your FOCUS and Ignite Imagination

Picture your Possibility!
You're invited!
Find your FOCUS
Live @ Five (5pm EST)
Yes! You are in the right place if you have been searching for a like-minded creative community. Join me Sunday - Thursday: Live @ Five (EST) 

You have the opportunity to meet an
innovative imagination influencer.  
Participate in conversation and collaborate with other artists, musicians, writers  as you experience the benefit of imagination and creativity in your life. 

I’m Martha Pineno – and I have a solution. A solution that does not fit in the standard box of mentoring methods.

You're in the right place.   That’s right . . . if you want to start to break down the barriers of isolation and invisibility.

I help women ignite their imagination to fully express themselves so they can experience connection, clarity, and confidence.  

YES!    All levels of curiosity are welcome!

Last year, I founded a Facebook group: Connect with Creativity and developed an online program: Masterpiece to Master PEACE.  This innovative art program has been in the works for years – but there was no better time than during a pandemic to pivot to productivity.

Check out this interview with a colleague, educator, writer, entrepreneur to hear more about the 6-month program and get a preview of what's included. 

Feel free to ask questions at the conclusion of the Find your FOCUS broadcast to learn how I can support your personal path to peace, purpose and prosperity.

Go from isolation to inspiration -- invisible to invincible while you picture your possibility and connect with creativity.

Join a community of like-minded creatives. 
Connect with Creativity

Are you willing and dedicated to making a difference in the world?

Join me for five days, so we can explore ways to live a life of infinite possibility, with creativity.
My intention is to inform and inspire. You can’t always see it happening, but everything leads to what you’re uniquely designed to be, and do, in this world. Everything leads you to know yourself as an amazing Masterpiece. 

The 5-Step FOCUS Formula is pertinent to a 6-month creative masterpiece mind-magnifying course I teach. I’m sharing the 5-steps with you, over 5 days.
Life is not a dress rehearsal, so let’s not regret what we’re destined to do. I’m determined to help you find what you are passionate about and, I want you to have a breakthrough in your life – a transformation.
Sometimes I hear women voice their concern: “I’m afraid I’m not good enough to do this.” “How is this going to help to me?” What I share with you in 5 days, are some insights, and what it takes to build trust, so you can say yes to yourself.
I am fortunate to Connect with Creativity and serve my clients.  I had difficulty finding FOCUS after experiencing life altering trauma – yet, now, I found a true FOCUS.
Here I am today, a Masterpiece Mentor – an ARTist of life Coach :)  I invite you to Find your FOCUS – starting with my 5-Step FOCUS Formula.
I’m committed to inspiring women to ignite their imagination, magnify their mindset and discover their true purpose.  My system is called 5-Step FOCUS Formula -- F-O-C-U-S.  I break it down into five steps: one letter at a time, one day at a time. 

Join me Live @ Five for step one step at a time.
This is an opportunity to look at what it takes to magnify your mindset to magnificence.
If you like my “paint-by-number,” system, I can let you know how we can work together.

I’m sharing my personal method with you so you can Find your FOCUS – your connection with creativity.

Let's be curious together,

Marti ~ Masterpiece Mentor

NOW ---  Hang on . . . .I’m also writing because I’d like to invite you to a life changing virtual workshop for entrepreneurial women with my mentor and business coach Sage Lavine and her amazing team at Women Rocking Business.

Every year hundreds of women solo-preneurs, coaches, healers, authors, and practitioners gather for a strategy rich, transformative entrepreneurial women’s summit…

I’m excited since this year is going to be brand new - Sage and her team have made a major pivot to make this event virtual and I believe it is going to be the most memorable virtual event in the Women’s business training space to help you find your clients online.

After joining an online event with Sage Lavine in January 2020, I received the support and encouragement to move into visibility. I had been hiding for nearly a decade after my cherished career was destroyed. 

The first event I attended was Rocking the Stage – and it was exiting to picture myself back on a stage – maybe not with music this time, but still in a position of influence.
Then we were shut down with global quarantine!
Next came the big pivot of peace and purpose during the Launch your Movement 3-day event that Sage hosted. I began to see clearly that my love, expertise, and impact on students with Healing through ART is so needed in the world NOW. Find out more.

Again . . . I founded a FB group: Connect with Creativity and developed an online program: Masterpiece to Master PEACE

I’m inviting you to Sage’s 3-Day Rock your Online Sales event so you can experience the impact for yourself. I had 12 discounted tickets to this event –but only have 7 available. 

I’d like for you to have an opportunity to create a change and make a difference in the world with your brilliance. Pre-Sale Tickets are ready now until March 27th (only $97) After that, the price goes up.

Doors are OPEN to this 100% VIRTUAL event coming up—I invite you grab one of these tickets so we can share this experience together: Get your ticket here: I’d love to have you attend with me and feel the motivation and momentum. If you invite a friend, be sure they use this link, ‘cause I get extra credit in my class J

Women are the hope of the world – and Sage and her team are leading us forward to claim our place and impact.

Here are more highlights from the event:

Rock Your Online Sales
April 13-15, 2021
Virtual Workshop

This event is booked solid with the hacks, resources and proven techniques you need to FILL your pipeline with paying clients, CRAFT your 90-day launch plan and MASTER the art of feminine sales.
You can save 90% on your event ticket right now during the pre-event SALE.
>>Sign me up!

Here are more highlights from the event:
DAY 1: ROCK Your Offer & Message
DAY 2: ROCK Your Money & Sales
DAY 3: ROCK Your Marketing & OWN your Online Space
Daily Small Group Networking Sessions & "Get-it-Done" Breakouts

Learn Sage’s system for Authentic Sales the Women’s Way, so you can always enroll the clients you want online & fill group programs. Collaborate with women from around the world & meet referral partners during daily networking sessions!
Hope you’ll join Sage and me . . Get your ticket here!

Martha (Marti) Pineno ~ Masterpiece Mentor

>>Sign me up!

Ohio Baked, LLC, PO Box 910, Lot 2030, Columbus, OH 43216, United States
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