Subject: 3 Keys to Reclaim Connection With Your Creativity

Create a Womyndala ~ Sun Star ~ Shine your Light!  

What's this all about?

This is for heART centered people who want to connect and communicate with creativity to make a difference in the world and discover a purpose to prosper. Let's break the barrier of isolation to brainstorm ideas to help ourselves, our neighbors, and our planet develop the best responses and resources in the universe! 

1.         lowers cortisol, the stress hormone. activates the reward centers of the brain so you feel better and become relaxed.

2.         processes emotions by translating them into a visual when words are difficult to find.
3.         guides you into imagination and visioning to help make new pathways for problem solving and decision making.

ACTIVATE your CREATIVITY:  Womyndala – Sun Star

For the Curiously Creative - Artists + Non-Artists Welcome
May 12, 7:00 pm EDT - Register here:
Join my group where your training happens:

Perhaps you feel something is blooming in your brain but don’t even know what it is, or how to access it.
Or ~ perhaps you already have a rich creative practice but want to go deeper and explore new avenues to access inspiration.

This training is an opportunity to be real and honest, to reach into your heart and soul.

This is where your creative MUSE lives.

It’s time to express who you really are without worry of being rejected or judged.
This is a practice just for you ~ one that can gives light to every area of your life.

What you can expect to gain:

  • Find your own creative guide and discover how the muse shows up for you and how to foster a consistent connection with it.

  • Learn to utilize the most powerful creativity tool you have: your intuition. 

  • Identify your creative blocks and catalyze them as fuel to create.

  • Discover a clear pathway to making art – with or without prior experience.

  • Engage the imaginative part of yourself that lingers within your inner child.
    This training is for you if:

 You prioritize work over play: life has gotten quite serious and you’ve lost contact with your innocent, playful side
 You’re tired of repeatedly doing the same thing and want to bring more spontaneity or excitement into your life
 You’re looking for a simple, relaxing, fun way to support your mental health and wellbeing
 You haven’t made art since you were a kid and don’t know where to start
 You’re an artist looking for new ways to explore and give a vision to your voice


 Join my group where a lot of training happens:


Martha (aka mARTi) is a Creativity Coach who guides curious adults who have forgotten how to play to use art to reignite their imagination so they can live a more abundant life.
Marti believes everyone is creative, and has the capacity to make powerful, meaningful art.
YES, even YOU!


“What I loved about Marti’s training:
1) It was fun, and I looked forward to each ARTivity

2) It took me out of a mindset that my art had to look or be done a certain way – which allowed my creativity to flow!
3) It didn’t take huge amounts of time.
4) It gave me a way to tune in to my creative energy!”
~ Michelle

“This training is awesome! What a great way to connect with my inner child and experience how good it feels to color ARTside the lines - especially when I make the lines myself!”
~ Diane

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