Subject:Ā 3, 2, 1 . . . ready to launch 12-12 . . . over the moon šŸŒ™

I'm ready to launch my podcast and
over the moon with excitement :)

Hi my creatives,

OK, thereā€™s been a bit of time since the last correspondence. So, itā€™s time to catch up with you.


The exciting news? Iā€™m launching Mind the Muse on Apple Podcasts!


What could be the intrigue of a podcast where Iā€™m expected to speak up AND be recorded in the process?

CLICK HERE to join Mind the Muse podcast launch team

5 years ago, I moved to a city for a fresh start, culture, and diversity. In addition to steel manufacturing, the area has been called a ā€œmelting potā€ of ethnicity with innovation and culture.

For some reason, the community curls up way before midnight! Most establishments roll up their carpets, close the doors, and turn off the lights at 5 ā€¦ and the remaining before 8 pm. Why does a city of 65,000 shut down at sunset? Whereā€™s the night life? Where are the open-minded, knowledge seeking folks who thrive on lively conversation past sundown?


Now, to be open with ā€˜ya, itā€™s not like Iā€™ve always been a social, chatter box conversationalist. Most of my childhood, I was quiet, reserved, and barely spoke unless I was asked a direct question that I had to answer.


You see, being the youngest in a family of trained educators and skilled musicians had its challenges. The potential for judgement and comparison was huge . . . and thatā€™s what I did. I judged and compared myself to my older siblings, and compared myself to all the amazing performers who were regularly part of my family interactions.Ā  Ā It was difficult to make, practice, or create ANYTHING without wondering if I was ever going to get it right, or be good enough.


Except for my occasional under-the-breath quirky comments stimulated by keen observation, I remained silent. I felt misunderstood or was concerned about being considered a ā€œsnobbyā€Ā 


Iā€™m not sure where the moment of ā€œI can do thisā€ emerged, ā€˜cause mostly, I suffered from anxiety and paralyzing perfectionism. Eventually, I reached a semblance of self-confidence.

Over the years, I built a community for aspiring artists and musicians which became my beloved business. Itā€™s been a decade since my long-term creative career was destroyed. Iā€™ve been lumbering along trying to develop a replacement.

In 2017, I started a licensed home bakery. The bakery provides culinary comfort and cash as well as a venue to create product for folks to ā€œeat my art.ā€

Yet . . . something was still missing.

Last year I found a different direction and developed a program: Masterpiece to Master PEACE.Ā  The program helps survivors of anxiety, grief and trauma learn new skills while healing through art.Ā  I found something that pushed ahead instead of pulling away from fear.


Iā€™ve avoided conversation about what transformed me from trauma to triumph. But recently, I decided to amplify my artistry by taking my creativity to the airwaves and give my vision a voice.

Fast forward to today.


Yes, thereā€™s been a breakthrough. So, what changed?

Iā€™m launching Mind the Muse on Apple Podcasts Sunday, 12-12.

>> CLICK HERE to join Mind the Muse podcast launch team


I realized that my vision was bigger than anything that was holding me back. Iā€™m ready to step up again as a leader to create the type of world I want to live in.


Iā€™m creating a community of people who appreciate unique quirkiness ā€“ and understand that fitting in takes conscious effort from a community of like-minded people ā€“ whose only connection -- is their CREATIVITY and open-mindedness.Ā Ā 

It would be my honor to have you join me in the journey to connect with creativity and discover how to design and develop your own story as you build your confidence with support from people who appreciate and value you.


Now, more than ever, conversations need to inspire and ignite imagination and innovation. Itā€™s time for authentic self-reflection that propels purpose, possibility, and prosperity.


Iā€™m over the moon about my upcoming podcast to launch on Sunday, 12-12 @ 12 midnight.

Join MIND the MUSE podcast launch 12-12 at 12 midnight EST -- ready for you to download all episodes, follow, rate, review. Many thanks for your support!


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Contact me if you have questions. Marti

marti @ martha pineno dot com