Subject: I'd rather remain invisible, but super powers can be tricky to hide :)

Really, it might be easier to stay in hiding like I did for nearly 10 years . . .  But, how would that be helpful for anyone?  My current brain training business class instructor guru, has been informing all her clients that the "world is waiting for you!"  "not just anybody - YOU . . ."  

So I got to reminiscing about all the students, artists, musicians I had helped during the long-time creative career that abruptly ended nearly a decade ago . . .

WOW, it's not bragging (well, just a little), that I was an integral part of students/clients success!   So what's holding me back from offering my skills with teaching now? 


Yep.  Fear that people who don't know me, won't take a chance like folks did in the past.  Those first folks hadn't met me before, didn't know how I looked, weren't interested in my degrees or even the long-time training.  Nope.  They just wanted to know that I could help them draw, paint, read music, play or fix an instrument -- In other words: solve THEIR desire to learn a skill or fix a problem.   I was expected to -- and found a solution to their concern or need.  

This is the classified ad many people responded to:   "Finally learn to draw and paint . . .  " -- it was simple.  It was direct.  I didn't entice them with fancy marketing.  They called the phone number. We chatted for a bit.  They signed up for lessons -- and off we went -- on a grand adventure in art!   Some students remained for 15 years! 

NO, I'm not super woman!

YES, I have an uncanny way with words, sensing item weights, hearing sounds from afar, seeing every color, naming product brands, developing logos, orchestrating instruments, learning new technology, create art, perform music -- but generally, I'm way too willing to give than receive.   And as a lone-wolf entrepreneur who founded/operated multiple creative endeavors -- I'm not accustomed to ask for help.   

BUT . . . today, I'm asking you to give yourself an opportunity - to try something new, and give me a chance to help YOU! 

This time around, it's a little twist on the theme -- This time around, I'm focusing on the HEALING aspects of ART.    Because, the way things have landed this year -- we all need some real healing - physically, emotionally, spiritually!   Do you get what I'm laying down?!?

You are invited to join other heART-centered folks who want to give their vision a voice and help the world be a better place -- through creativity!

I have a unique solution to soothe your soul and senses, while you get connection, comfort, confidence -- with your innate creativity.  

Draw IN Peace - Paint OUT Pain - get Curious and be Creative!

I hear people say to me "don't take it personally" -- but it is personal.  I'm personally inviting you to try something new.  If we're not a fit to work together after you try this FREE workshop, then just unsubscribe -- and that's it.    I'll "get over it..." We'll part our email ways.  We will disconnect from the INbox -- to the UNbox.   

Maybe you'll consider trying something ARTside the box.   If so, you're in the right place -- and I'll see you this weekend for the wellness workshop.    All you need to bring is pencil, paper -- and your curiosity!  

~ Marti
Here's the link to register for the Healing through Art wellness workshop.  Join our Facebook group: Connect with Creativity to receive information about upcoming workshops.    ~ Marti
P.S.  You are receiving this email because sometime in the past, we worked together through art, music, education or even online sales.   It would be great to connect with you again! 

10 23 2020  Creative Coaching Company
Creative Coaching Company, PO Box 910, Lot 2030, Columbus, Ohio 43216, United States
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