Subject: I've a gift for you Friend🎁 I hope it helps!🤞

I've a gift for you Friend🎁 I hope it helps!🤞

August 23rd, 2020 at 11:19 am WEST

So many people clicked unsubscribe... almost as many as those who opened it 😱 When I finally understood why... I had lost half of my list... Like most people starting out online (blogging, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, etc) I had heard many t ...

Here's the🥇 AM program I promised...

August 21st, 2020 at 4:39 pm WEST

A couple of weeks ago I told you about my #2 favorite affiliate program... ... and promised to come back with affiliate program #1... Well, here it is! This is how (experienced) affiliate marketers and content creators are making BIG commissions with ...

If you can do it profitably 🤑 why wouldn't you?

August 17th, 2020 at 12:08 am WEST

If you've been in the internet marketing space for at least a day…'ve surely 'heard' that you need an email list. And that the money is in the list. Everybody seems to repeat that mantra over and over… ...but how many times have you actual ...

✌️ secrets all super affiliates use...

August 12th, 2020 at 1:45 pm WEST

Yeah, there are 2 major secret weapons that all super affiliates are using and you probably don't know about... #1 takes time and work to create, but #2 you can start using right now. #1 are bonuses They literally 'bribe' people into using their affi ...

⚠️your email list could be at risk (AM only)

August 8th, 2020 at 3:29 pm WEST

Some email platforms are banning affiliate marketers! But why? And which ones? I've been asked so many times what the best email marketing software is… I usually just mention the one I use. But there are many factors you should be aware of... Main ...

YT - Best Email Marketing Software for AM

August 8th, 2020 at 11:47 am WEST

Some email platforms are banning affiliate marketers! But why? And which ones? I've been asked so many times what the best email marketing software is…  I usually just mention the one I use. But there are many factors you should be aware of... Mai ...

my 🥈 favorite affiliate program

August 5th, 2020 at 7:01 pm WEST

View onlineI wish I had known more about this program earlier... When I first started affiliate marketing and creating content, I didn't know what to promote... SOS (shiny object syndrome) was my biggest problem! With time, I started stumbling upon s ...

It's like going back in time... but better

August 3rd, 2020 at 12:34 pm WEST

What does going viral even mean? Is there some kind of formula? Most people who started Youtube channels back when it came out, hit the jackpot! Most of them will never know how hard it is to get subscribers and video views these days on Youtube... A ...

aren't you tired of being late to the party?🕛

August 2nd, 2020 at 10:45 am WEST

View onlineHow many times have you thought to yourself... If only I had known about affiliate marketing when Facebook first came out... or Instagram... Well, you've lost that train, many have caught it. But there are always new trains passing by... ...

"Insiders Guide to Affiliate Marketing" 🎁

July 24th, 2020 at 12:09 pm WEST

View online The #1 secret to building a high-ticket, high-profit business online That's Lesson 1 of the 15-day challenge you get as a bonus for buying Insiders Guide to Affiliate Marketing for a whopping $1,99. According to Dave, he gives all tha ...