A little over one year ago, I had a vision… A vision that could help a lot of people, including my family if I managed to build it. I built a draft and my wife believed in me. That was paramount! Then I showed it to a friend who was also pumped. Then another… That was enough for me, I worked for months, non-stop, on that project. I knew it wouldn’t be an immediate success and was prepared to tweak it until it worked. But after a few tweaks and the project being close to working, I found an excuse to abandon it… New FTC rules. Now, after 1 year and a half, I feel like hitting my head against a wall. That was just me quitting... That’s why I failed. Because I quit! I could have gotten it to work, and it could’ve done so much good for so many people who’re looking to escape their traditional “jail-jobs” like I once was. But I recently found a smarter and more persistent dude than me who has actually done something very similar… If you’d like to have a look, click here! Talk soon, |