Subject: over 30k pageviews and earning cents 🤨

What a rush!

From one day to the other I went from 5 daily pageviews to 1,000 to one post alone…

I couldn't believe it!

I had cracked the traffic code…

I also had a lead magnet and was gathering emails. 

(everyone said that the money was in the list)

In the first month, I got $10 from Adsense. 😱

Depressing! 😓

It took me a while, but finally, I understood how to get paid fairly as a content creator…

Check this out to see if you get the same epiphany!

Talk soon,

To your success!

Fran Callado

Founder of Create & Earn

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P.S.: Next week I’ll be doing a live training on my brand new Facebook Group for content creators. Don't miss it. Click here to join the group!

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