Subject: how systems can your boost business, and your life


Yesterday my daughter asked me - "daddy can you help me find this piece that goes here in this toy".

I told her I didn't even know how it looked like and she tried to explain.

So I asked the typical question - "where do you usually put it?"

"I don't know, mommy stows all my toys" - she answered.

Of course, I tried explaining that if she did it herself and always in the same place, she'd be able to find it quite easy.

I suffer from a bit of OCD, but honestly, I just call it having systems.

My wife constantly loses her keys and asks me - "have you seen...?" like 10 times per day.

I always know where my stuff is, because I drop everything in the same place every time. For some, it might not look like order, because I hang the jacket on the desk chair, etc, but it's a system, and it works for me.

Systems boost my productivity 10 fold.

What works for you?

Business Systems

Similarly, having systems in place in your business can save you a lot of time and increase your productivity.

Wealthy Affiliate is a system, an incredibly efficient business system, but you can improve upon it by personalizing it.

Think about what works for you, what works in your life?

When and how are you more productive?

Could you be writing your posts at a different time or in a different manner and be more efficient?

Some people prefer to back load their writing, create 10 posts in a day, and then edit them later and publish, others prefer to work on one at a time.

Personalizing your work, creating your systems can be very useful.

If you'd like to learn more about productivity and systems that successful people use, have a look at my post: "Focus and Productivity"

Thanks for reading,
To your Success!

Fran Callado

Founder and CEO

Your Guide to Success