Subject: have you tried (and failed) affiliate marketing?

You only need to know one little secret to start getting your first commissions today.

If you've ever tried affiliate marketing, you were probably attracted by the idea of making money easy or fast.

We've all been there. I know that's what attracted me to the model initially...

The idea of getting a commission for simply sharing a link.

But the day I fell in love with the affiliate marketing business model was when I helped a friend choose a website theme and received a very nice commission for it.

It wasn't about the commission…

It was the fact that she trusted my opinion so much and felt so thankful for it that she wouldn't buy the theme unless it was through my affiliate link.

That's when it clicked.

When I understood the big secret to affiliate marketing...

It wasn't about sales, it was about relationships and trust! And especially, about helping people out.

So how do you build a relationship of trust with an audience that they'll insist on buying through your link instead of you spamming the whole internet with it?

It's not as hard as you might think…

You can read my blog post here to learn exactly how to do it yourself today:

"Why You're failing Affiliate Marketing [And How to Instantly Reverse it]"

Talk soon,
Fran Callado

Founder of Create and Earn

The Creators' Hub to Passive Income!