Subject: The most profitable resource for solopreneurs is...

The most profitable resource for solopreneurs is...

March 24th, 2024 at 7:02 pm WEST

Friend, Back in 2021, a friend approached me to start a business with him… I didn’t want to divert my attention away from my marketing clients,but he was already making a lot of money… So I thought it would be a good learning experience. It was ...

Content creators: 2 mistakes, 1 solution

March 17th, 2024 at 3:37 pm WEST

It doesn’t matter where you’re publishing…LinkedInYouTubeInstagramTik tokBlog…If you’re creating any kind of content, you’re probably making one of the following 2 mistakes:You’re creating content and publishing with no end goal.You’r ...

Pull these 2 levers to scale your business online

March 9th, 2024 at 11:39 am WEST

There are 2 major levers to scale any online business that 99.9% of people don't know, Friend… I've had to fail 6 businesses before I learned this. 5 of them online. I now own 2 that give me the freedom to live life on my own terms. So after 4 year ...

Pull these 2 levers to scale your business online

March 9th, 2024 at 11:33 am WEST

There are 2 major levers to scale any online business that 99.9% of people don't know, Friend… I've had to fail 6 businesses before I learned this. 5 of them online. I now own 2 that give me the freedom to live life on my own terms. So after 4 year ...

Has this ever happened to you Friend?

March 2nd, 2024 at 5:35 pm WEST

“I lost 60,000 followers. Twitter (X?) just deleted my account.”“They were never yours to begin with!”- I replied. Someone came to me with this problem recently. My first reaction was 🤦🏻 My second thought was:“Don’t I constantly war ...

Has this ever happened to you Friend?

March 2nd, 2024 at 3:52 pm WEST

“I lost 60,000 followers. Twitter (X?) just deleted my account.”“They were never yours to begin with!”- I replied. Someone came to me with this problem recently. My first reaction was 🤦🏻 My second thought was:“Don’t I constantly war ...