Subject: Your LinkedIn cheat codes…

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I finally finished it, Friend!

The LinkedIn Lead Attraction Scoring Tool.

If you’re creating content on LinkedIn, or any other platform for that matter…

the power you yield is immense!

Yet most creators can’t leverage it.

Your content helps people.

You can help them further.

And they’ll pay you for it!

As they should…

But you need to be able to guide them from followers to clients.

They won’t find their way on their own…

Last year, I was helping LinkedIn creators leverage the power of Attraction Marketing to turn their posts into lead attraction magnets.

But I wasn’t happy with the number of people I helped.

I knew I could do more!

Help more people!

So I decided to build the Lead Attraction Scoring Tool.

I asked the wonderful people on LinkedIn,

and they said they’d be interested in such a tool.

So I got to work.

But unfortunately, I failed to keep up with the:

  • Posting.

  • Attending Clients.

  • My other business.

  • And still finish the tool…

Well, I’m happy to announce that I finally did it!

And not only did I finish the Lead Attraction Scoring Tool,

but I also created a Profile Optimization Guide to go with it.

And they’re ready for you to use.

For the amazing low cost of …. nothing!

Just click here and give them a go!

(Make sure you read the questions carefully.

The better you answer the more accurate the result.)



P.S.: Oh, if you have a minute afterwards, please let me know if there’s anything you think I can improve on.

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