Subject: She could do much better... and so can you!

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You can do much better than that...

The other day I watched a video from a channel I follow where the girl was talking about the cons of affiliate marketing...

One of the cons (in her opinion) was that when doing affiliate marketing, you only get that commission once, and then you have to go get more referrals and new sales...

...Whilst the company to whom you referred that customer, keeps their contact and continues to sell to them.

But that's not necessarily true...

She went on to explain that from that channel, they're getting paid around 500💲 / day...

But they have 500k subs!!!

Half a million subscribers and only 500 per day from affiliate marketing??

That's because she's not doing email marketing!

(If she'd only watch my video...)

Email marketing is the most profitable thing you can do for your affiliate business.

Let me show you how!

If you have any questions or need any help at all, feel free to reply to this email.

Talk soon,

To your success!

Fran Callado

Founder of Create & Earn

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