Subject: I taught designers how to design (and I'm no good at it)

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I stared at that blank Wordpress dashboard for over a week and couldn't get anything done...

When I started my first blog, I managed to purchase my hosting, choose a domain, even install Wordpress...

But then I couldn't get that website to look like I wanted it.

I couldn't even give it a look at all.

My solution? I bought a paid theme!

(if I knew what I know now, I wouldn't have spent that money so early)

I never thought I'd be the one teaching designers how to design websites...

But after building quite a few websites for myself, when I started working with clients, I had to teach my partner (a graphic designer) how to design a website.

In reality, designing a website has more to do with marketing than design itself. And if you know where to get the pieces, you can just copy and paste them!

Using the right theme and plugins, you can grab an already designed template and turn it into your own beautiful website displaying your content and promoting your business / blog / etc.

If you're stuck in the same place I was, and before you purchase a paid template (like I did), check this out to see how you can quickly design a beautiful website with a f-ree theme:

I hope this saves you some đź•› and đź’˛.

Talk soon,

To your success!

Fran Callado

Founder of Create & Earn

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