Subject: How to attract (not chase) leads on LinkedIn

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I’m gonna spill some of my LinkedIn secrets in this email.

Last year, when I started posting on LinkedIn…

I had no idea how the platform worked.

And even though I had:

  • Published content on many platforms

  • Had a great understanding of social algorithms

I also had no time to waste.

As I was running two businesses.

In order to understand LinkedIn, how it worked,

and how I could better leverage it…

I found one of the most successful people on the platform,

and after reading his posts for a while, it was clear

he knew what he was talking about.

I bought his course and started applying his methods.

To start growing an audience that was enough.

But my specialty is inbound systems.

And one thing I haven’t done any of is outreach.

  1. I let my content do the fishing for me.

  2. And my systems do the capturing.

In other words, I make my content visible to the right people and place helpful resources in front of them.

↳ Naturally building a relationship.

↳ Until they’re ready to work with me.

And if they’re never ready, they can continue using my free resources.

↳ Because all of this is completely independent of my time. All done automatically.

(Nothing fullfils me more than knowing that I’m helping people grow their businesses.)

So how can you ensure your content is being seen by the right people?

  1. Make sure you know exactly who your Dream Client is. → worksheet

  2. Go to LinkedIn’s search bar and type their specialty. E.g. Designer.

  3. Click on “All filters” and pick those that match your Dream Client Avatar.

  4. Add a couple of big creators in the industry your Dream Client would follow.

  5. From this list, start commenting on those posts you resonate with.

This should start exposing your content to those who fit your DCA/ICP.

If your content is good and doing it’s job…

And you have a good inbound system in place…

These people will start flying to you like bees to polen.

If you want to see exactly how this is done, stay tuned.

I should publish a video showing the process this week.

In the meanwhile, you can watch this one about Lead Magnet Ideas

and subscribe to the channel to get notified of the next one.

Talk soon!



P.S.: This week’s live audio event will be a special one with two amazing guests at the same time…

The topic… “Secret Insights”. Click here to add it to your calendar!

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