Subject: Content is King, right?

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I hate clichés!

But they exist for a reason.

So let’s break down the idea of content being king together, Friend.

Whatever you do or sell, if people can’t find it, they’ll never pay you for it.

It’s clear that it all starts with ‘traffic’ then, right?

Traffic = movement of people.

Hence, every business wants traffic to their offer.

There are two major ways of getting people online to see your offer:

  1. Paying for advertiging.

  2. Organically - by posting content they’re interested in.

Even Alex Hormozi, who grew his business to 100M+ through advertising claims that his biggest regret is not having started to create content soon.

Yes, paid advertising is the quickest way to make a sale.

And even to acquire a customer.

But whilst it takes a lot more work and consistency, the content you publish can move a growing audience closer to you and position you as the go-to expert in their minds.

No amount of advertising bucks can pay for that one person who follows you saying:

“Oh you need help with that? Friend, is amazing and can help you.”

But random content gets you random results.

If you want some insights about converting with content, listen to this!

And if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email and let me know.

I’m always happy to help!

Talk soon,


P.S.: This Friday, we’ll be talking about how Darren has exploded his business with a very simple commenting strategy.

If you want to join us live and ask your questions, click here!

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