Subject: 1.246 followers in 90 days, doing everything wrong

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I went from 60 to 1.246 followers in 90 days doing everything wrong.

Here's what I did:

90 days
146k impressions
1073 profile views

According to many “LinkedIn experts”, I should’ve had:

- A content plan.
- 3 content pillars.
- Sent 10 connections daily.
- Commented on 50 posts/day.
- Commented on big creators posts.
- I didn’t do, or have, any of these!

What I did, was a mess:

➢ I wrote every day.
➢ I posted without editing.
➢ I didn’t have a content plan.
➢ I sent less than 5 connections/month.
➢ I commented what I could whenever I could.
➢ I accepted fewer than 10% connection requests.
➢ I didn’t always comment on my own post in the 1st hour.

So, why did I do this?

And how did I achieve these results?

Here are the 3 key things I focused on:

1. Posting consistently.
2. Creating valuable content.
3. Learning what connects with my audience.

Nothing is more important than understanding your audience!

Not just what they want.
But also, how they consume information.
And how that information connects with them.

So, forget about generic advice!

→ Find someone to give value to.
→ Understand what they find valuable.

And you’ll grow on LinkedIn. Or any other platform!

Talk soon,

P.S.: If you'd like me to share exactly what I did, reply with "share your strategy".

Here's the first thing I did though Justin Welsh's LinkedIn OS

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