Subject: 🙋‍♂️ the solution to creator's block

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The clock was ticking and I had to write a whole sales letter from scratch before lunchtime…

It usually takes me a week to write one of these.

But the client was waiting… it had to be done!

I took a deep breath, stepped away from that panic, as if moving away from my body, set a 20 min timer, and did nothing but think. Meditated.

The solution was right there, in front of me. It was copywriting 101.

But before I tell you what it was…

Have you ever procrastinated so much before that you enter full lockdown mode and can’t write anything?

I do it all the time while creating content. 

My blog is the biggest victim of my procrastination.

That’s what I like about working for clients, that forced deadline that I can’t seem to impose on myself while creating my own content.

So how did I solve my creative block?

Scripts (or swipes).

I had totally forgotten about them, but I have my own copy scripts.

Even if you can’t find a similar situation to model, just reading some copy (with my blog I tend to go read blogs that I like in my industry) the inspiration tends to kick in.

But copywriting is usually much less creative than blog writing. More strategic, research dependant, and mathematical.

That’s the thing, as a content creator, you can’t be expected to be original in other areas besides creating content.

So how can you create a system that monetizes your content?


Just like copywriting, there are systems already working which will work for you, no matter your niche or kind of content you’re creating.

Here’s the system that I keep using for my clients over and over.

Talk soon,

To your success!

Fran Callado

Founder of Create & Earn

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P.S.: Don’t miss the live training I’ll be doing next week in the Creator’s Hub. I’ll be teaching the 3 simple keys to make this method work for any creator.

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