Subject: we are almost ready to get "Claim my ultimate d%sire" underway...

Claim My Ultimate Desire

Dear Friend,

"Claim My Ultimate Desire" starts December 27th. It will be a potent way to get absolutely clear on who you are and what you most deeply desire for 2021. Are you in?

It may be a while since you signed up for it, and yet, in perfect divine timing, your Soul is being nudged once more to fully align with your greatest potential.

Claim My Desire December 2020 is the Facebook group from which the free five day challenge will be run. so feel free to head on over and request to join. That way, I know confirmed your place. I will add you to the group on December 23.


In the meantime, enjoy the magnificent Christmas Star of The Great Conjunct over the next couple of days. I created a powerful Activation and explanation of what this all means for you, which is now live on Insight Timer or your favourite podcast channel.

I will be back to you nearer the challenge time to get the ball rolling a little further.

If your mind feels it is not up to a life changing challenge at this time because of the year you have had, or how you are feeling, simply unsubscribe. Just know you are overriding your Soul's desires.

Until then,


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