Subject: The Coven is open Friend, have you crossed the threshold?

Welcome Friend!

The Desire Coven is open! Welcome to all the beautiful women who have already crossed the threshold into the private Facebook group, where the challenge will be run from. 

The welcome video is waiting for you, and I'm loving the intro comments and energy that is percolating in the cauldron already. So hop on your broomstick, and fly over....

If you are not yet in, or want to access to watch the video and comment, simply click the button below 

We have over 50 women so far ready for breakthroughs in transformation. With plenty of room for more! It could be the best Christmas gift you give a girlfriend this year...

So for the first person(s!!) that pop into your mind when you think about who needs a breakthrough, a kick to get out of a rut or victim mentality, or simply an advocate for radical transformation and yet wants MORE, then by all means share the link to the group with them.

Perhaps drop them a note on messenger or email, with a word or two of why you are ready for something different and the Truth on why you are stuck. just add this link in, and they can register from there

So let's get the journey underway with your own intro in the comments on the welcome post (keeping the threads together makes is sooo much easier for everyone... even tho FB has decided to show the welcome video and comments in 2 separate posts. gotta love energy playing with technology.) 

I will be in touch over the coming few days with more details on the challenge. 

Stay cool in the Collective of Christmas preparation,  

Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.