Subject: It's time to cross the threshold Friend

Welcome Friend!

Merry Christmas from Australia! I love the silence on Christmas morning, nothing but the birds tweeting since 5 am before dawn, when I arose. 

I've always been one to do things differently, I don't understand the collective requirement to all have holidays at the same time...The more I embrace the traits of my Loner, and let go of any requirement to fit in, the happier I am.

If you resonate with that, then you will LOVE what I'm about to share this week in "Claiming My ultimate Des!re". The energy is huge already, as 25 women have already shared their intro posts. A real diversity around the world will make for a beautiful percolation in the Cauldron. 

You've not yet joined the group and messenger, and would love to have you do that now. It will take you just 10 seconds of action required from you at this point to get going and be all set for the week.  

With perhaps a couple of minutes to write an intro once you watch the welcome video. 

Click “GET LINK” below and then “Get started” (if prompted). This will load Facebook Messenger and a message from me with the FB group link so you can request to join.

If you have a REAL aversion to messenger, you may join the group directly, and we can still be in touch on email and through the group. 

Request to join right now please Friend so it doesn't get lost in the run up to Christmas

Clarity around your ultimate desire awaits you. It does require your participation, and procrastinating is part of the reason your desire remains elusive.... 

I'l be sharing another video later today on how it all works, so hop on over and get sorted before Christmas.

Until then, 
Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.