Subject: Day 3: so what's REALLY holding your back Friend?

How has your symbol been firing up your power Friend?!

Day 2 is was high octane, did you feel the energy rise within you and the group, especially when we anchored in your symbol - this is your power cord - use it! 

Keep charging at no less than 80% and you never have to worry that your brain will overtake and drain your battery. how simple is that analogy!?

The FB group has #day3 task ready and waiting for you.

Time for the Truth Bombs. 

You will have needed to have done #day1 & 2 task before this (and ideally, and intro post - both in the relevant threads) so get up to speed if needed - last call before you're out the group! (I run a tight ship 😉)


If you are in the energy of your creative power, it is SOO much easier to confront the Truth on why you are stuck, overwhelmed and confused as to WHY you cannot create. 

Time to get honest, and in today's livestream, I'll open up the doors to the real reasons...

My cauldron is on fire.... what are you ready to transmute??

I'll pop back in the group around lunchtime PST, and you will have a chance to ask any questions you may have.

Until then, 
Josephine Sorciere, PO Box 6119, 5065, Linden Park, Australia
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