Subject: Claim Your Ultimate D%sire is back for another round!

Claim My Ultimate Desire

Dear Friend,

When we finished Claim My Desire at the tail end of 2019, not one of us foresaw what practically lay ahead...

Ask yourself honestly, did it stop you in anyway from standing in your power, experiencing exponential growth and miracles, and were able to be the observer of the madness around you without being drawn in?

If there is any part of you who felt you were less than your vision you created at the end of last year, there is still work to do. Perhaps you leveraged the circumstances, used it to fire up your force and to know, without a shadow of a doubt, NOW is the time you signed up for.

Which ever direction you feel is closer to your truth, I invite you to revisit and reset in another round of Claim Your Ultimate Desire.


The free five day challenge will start December 27th US time. I feel the energetic shifts with massive portal openings and astrological alignments mid month will be the catalyst for the real transformational change you have been longing for. What better time to claim your own power and awaken your cosmic coding from the place of your Soul Truth. It is time to dissolve the eons of shadow keeping you stuck. It must go.

So whether you participated all out last year, drifted off course half way through, or simply never quite got round to starting, here is your second chance to BE the change you wish to see in the world, as Gandhi said.

Simply sign up here and get the link to the all new FB group as the challenge platform.

See you on the other side


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