Subject: Thank you! Thank you!

Hi Friend,

Last Monday I started the 5 day challenge - How to Create Your Irresistible Lead Magnet. Thank you so much for joining me!

I know some have not managed to finish yet, but those who have, say they now have a very clear framework for a lead magnet that will bring in not just leads but sales.

And that's what we want :)

If you haven't managed it yet, I do urge you to watch the videos and do the short tasks. Please don't let this be another thing you've signed up for and not completed; I'm not judging - I've been there!

If you saw that I've opened the new Entrepreneur's Marketing Blueprint, I've got good news!

The cut off point for getting the fabulous bonuses has been extended. I know some need a little more time. You can read all about the Entrepreneur's Marketing Blueprint HERE.

If you enrol on the programme before 9pm on Wednesday you also get all this ...

  • an hour with me to go over where you want to take your business in the next 12 months, how to set that up, and importantly, how to manage your time so you can easily follow the EMB programme and do what you need to do - without stress!

  • a website review. No matter how great you think your site it, a fresh pair of eyes can spot what you may have missed. Only today I did a review for Patricia and picked up 8 things she should do to improve the site and get more clients.

  • a Money making session where we uncover ways you can get some more income in NOW! The intention is see where you can cover the cost of joining the Entrepreneur's Marketing Academy.

If you're ready to sort out your marketing so you can promote your business and get in a steady stream of clients, this is the perfect time and perfect programme for you. I would love to support you and see you do that!

Meanwhile, I look forward to seeing your lead magnet. When you're ready, please come into the Elegant Entrepreneur's Club and promote it on Mondays!

Have a great week.

P.S. For all the value packed programme PLUS the bonuses, enrol before 9pm on Wednesday. Better go there now! Click HERE.

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