Subject: Day FiveFriend! Time for the big 'N'!

Hi Friend,

Oh my goodness here we are already on the last day of the Create your IRRESISTIBLE Lead Magnet Challenge!

How have you got on so far?

Look it really doesn't matter if you haven't managed to watch all the videos and do everything yet. No pressure, this isn't a race,;)

But... I do want you to get this done. :) I assume you signed up because you knew you needed a new lead magnet or perhaps you didn't have one at all.

(Here a quick link to the group to help).

I know you can now create one that is going to get you the contact details of the perfect prospects - ones you can market your product or service to - and make sales!

Today I'm also making available the Entrepreneur's Marketing Blueprint. I tell you all about it in today's video.

I want to let you know about the extra bonuses that are available over the next few days.. I'd hate you to watch the video next week and realise you'd missed them.

3 special VIP bonuses for those enrolling by 8pm GMT Saturday 6th March:
* One hour with me looking at all aspects of your business to ensure you know where you are now and where you want to be.
* A website review to check your site has the 13 critical elements to turn visitors into buyers.
* A Money Making Session to  discover ways to increase your income NOW!
This could cover your investment in the Entrepreneur's Marketing Blueprint.

An Early Bird Bonus for those enrolling by 10pm Monday 8th March
* A Money Making Session that will find ways to increase your income NOW!
This could cover your investment in the Entrepreneur's Marketing Blueprint.

I'm just making some tweaks to the Welcome right now and the link will be posted in the Facebook group later today.

If you need to chat about this, please email me and I'll hold those bonuses for you.

Thank you for joining the challenge, and here's to your success!

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