Subject: wanting, hoping, dreaming (versus doing)

How often do you find yourself. . . Wishing, hoping, dreaming, and/or yearning for a change in your career or business?

Perhaps you're:
  • Dreaming about starting a new business or side hustle.
  • Wanting to move into a leadership position at work.
  • Yearning for the confidence to speak up and be heard.
  • Hoping to build your book of business to over $1,000,000.
Identify what that 'thing' is and then ask yourself what you're doing to make it happen.

Life is short, Friend.  

I'm reminded of this daily, whether it be through my baby brother's passing 2 weeks ago, a friend's recent cancer reoccurrence or the ever-present fear that my cancer will come back.

I don't tell you these things to scare you - and I'm not usually this forward.  But perhaps I SHOULD be aiming to scare you just a little bit so that you'll act instead of continuing to hope, wish, want, dream and yearn.

Because it would be a shame if you allowed your worries around failing to stop you from going all-in on life.

So I ask you again. . . what are you doing to make the things you keep wishing/wanting/hoping/dreaming about happen?

It's time to take your first step by making a commitment.  Hit reply and tell me what it is you're committing to do.  I promise to respond with tips.



P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are some ways I can help you lead with confidence and achieve higher levels of success on your terms (without the stress):
  1. Check out my private Facebook group to share ideas and tips with other driven professionals + receive weekly trainings on how to feel calm, confident and in control (at work and in life).  JOIN HERE.
  2. Book a free 30-minute discovery call with me to chat about how to reignite your career passion and regain your confidence so that you can achieve more while doing less (and actually enjoy your successes). BOOK HERE.
  3. For attorneys only: check out the THRIVE Mastermind to build a profitable, more fulfilling legal practice without burning out.

About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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