Subject: unsurprising

The last week has been rough for most of us. . .
  • The US Presidential election has been fueled by drama,
  • Some states still aren't finished counting ballots, and
  • Both sides have something to be unhappy about.
And to make things worse, much of Europe is locked down (again).

Right now, everything is just so. . . 2020.

Which is all so unsurprising (and therefore exhausting).

But here's the thing, Friend: even when things feel rough, you have a choice as to what to focus on, how you behave and what you think.

And that means that you can choose to be happier. . . or not.

I talk a lot about creating success from the inside-out.  It all starts with YOU - in how you choose to show up in the world (no matter the circumstances).

So, the question becomes how.

When things feel especially uncertain and difficult, I find it helpful to list the things I know are true for me and my life.  Things that ground me so that I can show up as the person I want to be.

So, today here are the things that I know to be true for me and my life (that help me choose to be happy even though life is a bit harder right now):
  • The world is still turning.
  • The sun came up this morning (and will again tomorrow).
  • I'm blessed to be able to love deeply.
  • I'll learn something from at least 1 client today (I always do).
  • My words will reach at least one person who needs to hear them.
  • I'm grateful for 10+ things today.
  • No elected official has a direct impact on my life or happiness.
  • I have more in common with my sister-in-law (who's on the opposite side of the political spectrum) than there are differences.
Now it's your turn to choose, Friend.  Hit reply and tell me at least one thing that you know to be true that helps you show up as the person you want to be.



P.S.  If you missed either of the last 2 newsletters, I highly recommend you catch up with them.  The first was about what needed to be said and the second had a dose of uplifting reality (yes, there's such a thing).

About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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