Subject: tough love, devastating news and some inspiration

Yesterday started like any other day. Awake at 5:00 AM to work out, shower and get ready for the day.

And then (as is common these days). . . give some 'tough love' to my 15-year old for not following up (again) on his Eagle Scout project.  [Stick-your-head-in-the-sand-itis is strong in that one.]

But then everything went off track. . .
  • I found out that my baby brother was in a coma (he passed a few hours later).
  • We received a call that my mother-in-law had also passed away that morning.
I considered not writing this week's newsletter, but quickly realized that something  needed to be said.  Something I've long been thinking yet have been holding back (because you might not want to hear it).

Yet it needs to be said (so here goes). . .

There's a lot going on in this country (and the world) that's got everyone's attention. Social unrest. A pandemic.  And a presidential election.

And yes, these things are important.  But don't fool yourself into thinking that they're the MOST important thing.

Because your relationships are more important, Friend.

Not just with your family and friends, but also with yourself.  And in how you relate and connect with other people (especially those who look/think/act differently than you do).

Life is short. Don't waste yours focusing on all the wrong things.

Besides, if you focus on developing healthy relationships then you're more likely to listen to, understand and accept others - a necessary component to solving many of the problems we currently face.



P.S. For a bit of inspiration on how to start living a better life, read:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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